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    Red Deer, Alberta - Canada
  • Interests
    Horses :D

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  1. Totally JIM! I am just excited they thought my photo and scanning was up to snuff All the horsey photos I have and they take the woofie one. LOL! Thanks Thomas! Your support is never ending! Weezy
  2. Thanks Don! I am pretty proud of myself. LOL! Some of the photos I submitted got declined as well because they have way too many of them already.. ie.. butterflys. LOL Weezy
  3. YAY!!! I finally got my first photo accepted. http://www.dreamstime.com/whoahorse_info (I have been having problems scanning photos properly). LOL! Weezy
  4. John! Welcome to TCH! I look forward to chatting with you more about reselling! Weezy
  5. Yes, its just my network I think.. no biggie I can work around it till they fix what is wrong.. Weezy
  6. I think it is a network problem.. we are doing some huge changes here.. Weezy
  7. Hey, Incredimail experts.. I have been struggling with my program - I can recieve but I can not send. I thought it was a firewall, but I have the same problem at home. Any ideas? Weezy
  8. Me too! I loaded her photos last night no probs Weezy
  9. I was thinking that it might have something to do with that.. Weezy
  10. Thanks, LOL! I was looking at stats for one of my websites, and all most all the referring websites are from other countries. SO ODD! Weezy
  11. I just tried it? Linked ok? Weezy
  12. HELP! What language is this? http://www.freewebs.com/jerryncopyt/ Weezy
  13. YAY! Rick fixed my problem. For reference, this is what was wrong. I made one change to your config.php file to change the path to Image::Magick to /usr/local/bin/ instead of /usr/bin. THANKS RICK! Weezy
  14. No should I? I feel like I have been bugging them enough lately.. Weezy
  15. Thanks for all your help guys! I think I will just change over to coppermine. I really have no faith in gallery anymore. LOL Weezy
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