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Everything posted by SEO

  1. Yes, the guarantee would be meaningless. If, "you don't know anything about site optimization" and your site is ranked number 3 or 4, I would guess that you were using a relatively non-competitive search phrase. My first question would be is that the most appropriate phrase? We can talk... site/keyword phrase to seo@totalchoicehosting.com
  2. True. I use several FTP programs and none of them show my .htaccess file (on TCH servers). If you use the file manager in the control panel, you will see that your .htaccess file is there in your public_html folder. Funny thing about File Manager that took me awhile to get used to: Click on folder to open it, click on a name to manipulate it.
  3. SEO… what is it? We all have used a search engine… why? To find what we are looking for. We simply go to Google and type in 'pond supply' and find everything out we can about 'pond supply'. Now how many pages do you read of the 390,000 listed in the Google index? Do you read the 265,432nd? How about the 123rd? No, we usually find what we are looking for by reviewing the top 50 (or 20) ranked sites. Aren't those top 50 sites lucky? No, they are not. Those sites have certain inherent characteristics, which allow them to be ranked in those positions. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) deals with maximizing these 'characteristics' in order to obtain high rankings. Read Search Engine Optimization - An Overview for more.
  4. You are welcome. I should have added some comments for others. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirect, meaning you are telling anyone (i.e. a spider) that a particular page is permanently moved to another particular page. This results in a 'permanent' change in any index. This is actually the best way to make a redirect on an existing page. Remember that pages are indexed. If you change the name of a page and not do a redirect, then you will loose that indexing. Where if you do a 301 redirect, the old page's indexing will be credited to the new page. The correct syntax is as described above. Not including the 'http://' to the first part is very important. Just put the path from the top level of your site to the page being redirected. The new page requires the complete address (e.g. http://www.ASite.com/newpage.html). This is placed on a single line in your .htaccess file. Note: always upload your .htaccess in ASCII format.
  5. SEO


    Dittos to what Jack is saying regarding css. Minor clarification: Search engine algorithms do (actually I should say can) look at <H1> tags (header tags) but Google actually puts more weight on font size. Words with larger fonts obviously 'rank' higher than words with smaller fonts. Just a little note
  6. Sorry for the delay, somehow I missed this post. ><title>NED EVETT INTERVIEW : MUSICFRISK.COM</title> Never use all caps. ><meta name="revisit-after" content="7 day"> Remove. ><meta name="description" content="Ned Evett interview and picture of Musicfrisk.com Ned Evett interview"> Write with proper grammar (i.e. complete sentence). Place all in lower case, remove last 'Ned Evett' and remove all spaces after ','. ><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"> Remove. Same notes apply to both. Now, remember this is just one part of SEO. P.S. Thanks for the typo.
  7. Ray_Bman: Not silly at all. That is exactly what one should do if they are running any formmail script. When the patch is added to TCH, I will recommend that to HG.... change the name of the script to something other than formmail (e.g. send_tch_it). The way people are 'finding' scripts to infiltrate are simply searching for 'formmail'. What lianna is saying is that the formmail script supplied by TCH is disabled, so we can not use it at all at this time. This definitely happens, whenever I 'move' a site I add the IP or the script will not work. Until propagation, the IP is the only way to go. IP as in vs. the URL as in www.My_Site.com
  8. SGarrett: Sorry, you are having trouble... actually this script is very easy. I know you have been working with Jack so these suggestions may have already been discussed. The above would suggest that your referers is not set correctly. >$referers = array('yoursite.com', 'www.yoursite.com'); Make sure the syntax is correct (on the original a ' was missing). Also, if your URL has not propagated yet you will have to enter your IP address instead (or in addition to) your URL. Can you post your site and later tonight I will look at your code and see if I can see anything. I have a feeling it is going to be something very simple. For instance, make sure you are uploading the scripts in asci. I can understand your frustration, forms can be very important. Hang in there.
  9. Thanks Jack.... big help.
  10. karmacriminal: No it does not; you should put it in another directory just for organizational reasons. I just wanted to make sure that you had the correct path to call the script. Not sure why yours is not working. Make sure it is not something simple like 'case' (upper vs. lower). I am tired of this script! I have just changed eight sites (23 scripts) and more to go... they can wait. I am going to go mow the lawn and let the gray matter cool down. Still can not figure out how to omit empty fields If ($content .== "") ..... don't print the son-of-gun! Be back later (hope somebody figures the empty field thing during my respite).
  11. >Fatal error: Call to undefined function: () in /home/hungryh/public_html/formmail.php on line 171 Are you sure that this is the location of your script? If you followed the instructions, you would have loaded the script into a different directory then public_html (e.g. phpbin). Also, I would change the name of your script from formmail to something else (a little more security does not hurt).
  12. Jack... Thank you. Script works well... but I would like to omit empty fields. Working on it.
  13. Jack.... you may be my hero. I will let you know.
  14. >redirect 301 /creativity/techniques/reverse.htm http://www.yourURL.com/creativity/techniques/prob-reverse.htm
  15. ahhhhhh! Do you know how many of my clients use this script? And they are all very active sites (i.e. multiple orders per hour). ahhhhh! I guess the yard can wait!
  16. Each page of a site should be optimized (just like you are thinking). The reason for the terminology (site optimization) is that most search engine algorithms look at a 'site' as a unit. They rank individual pages but that rank is influenced by the overall site (an actual evaluation of the overall site). This becomes more involved when you think about the internal structure (linkage) of a site. Have you read the search engine optimization section on link structure? Working with the logic explained allows one to structure a site in a way to put specific emphasis on one page vs. another. Hope this helps.
  17. Get a cup of coffee (and some time) because here it is.
  18. As promised.... here it is (it is wordy but I knew of no other way).
  19. Nice work turtle, your the.... REPTILE! iaconetti, tells all is working now.....
  20. Company X should not matter. Go to Company Y (your registrar) and update your DNS pointers to the appropriate new servers (after you open an account here, you will get a welcome email explaining this). It is!
  21. iaconetti: Everybody is saying the same thing (look back at the threads from your other post, Turtle just replied). The only difference is that before propagation, yoursite.com will not work. So, all you have to do is substitute the IP address. That came with your welcome letter, looks something like this: 216.123.456.789 Again, good luck. P.S. It is a good idea to not start another post for the same topic, just continue replying within the same original post (button on bottom 'Add Reply').
  22. Jim is exactly right... Actually you 'should' use CSS. I have been using 'pure' HTML for too long and I do not always default to CSS... I 'should'.
  23. I forgot to add: You want to load everything in the public_html folder. This is from TCH's Help Site regarding FTP (the link I gave before):
  24. Not sure about Netscape's exact wording but there should be a place requesting the host name (or server, etc). This would be your IP address (I just gave you an example of how it would look; e.g. 216.123.456.789). You need your Account Name (or login, etc). This would be: yourname.com Then you would need your password. That is really the only three pieces of information required. Sorry I can not be more specific... I just do not know the exact windows you are looking at. Good Luck.
  25. Not sure but... if you are using hotlink protection, under 'Urls to Allow Access:' try listing both and see if it helps.
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