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Posts posted by SEO

  1. Phil:


    You have been added to our Extended Family - Personal Sites page.


    SEO thoughts:


    Your Title tag should be just below your <head> tag.


    You need a description tag... this is important.


    Not sure about your keywords, sites like this are tough to figure out a 'real' keyword phrase... I do like 'idiots that hurt themselves' though.


    You know your home page is quite large... too large in my humble opinion.


    You also have a serious number of outbound links on your home page... this is seriously bleed any PageRank you will obtain.


    Again, take these comments very lightly... a personal blog does not 'need' high rankings.


    Take care.

  2. Move your Title Tag to just below the <Head> tag (it should be first).


    You have done all the basics concerning tags and page layout. It is hard for me to give sound advice without having a specific keyword phrase(s). Your site is a tough call (as you know) in this regard. Usually a site like yours is geared towards the Authors name, but you choose not to go that route. Therefore, I am at a loss.


    Sorry :(

  3. Well Nat, regarding optimization...


    You are in Google's Index ;) and you have number one ranking for the keyword phrase you selected as most important 'natalie brown'. You can not ask for anything more!


    I would ask, is there a better keyword phrase to optimize for? Do not get me wrong, you would obviously want your name to rank top but is this the phrase that most people are using to find your sites content. This is something that would take some research... maybe 'contemporary r & b' or 'r & b vocalist', 'r & b writer', etc. Again, this would take proper research.


    Keyword phrase analysis is the most important and first step in properly optimizing a site.



    General comments regarding the site (from an SEO point of view).


    1. Your Title tag is too long... I would use 'Natalie Brown - keyword phrase' where keyword phrase would be R & B Vocalist (or something similar).


    2. Way, way too many keywords! (cut down to say just 300 :) )


    3. Description Tag


    How about: Natalie Brown, Contemporary R&B Vocalist / Songwriter - Official Web Site.


    4. I do not like frames and your layout really does not need them (again this is speaking in SEO terms).


    5. Too many external links from your home page. These are bleeding PageRank. You could create secondary pages to link to with more information regarding that particular reference and then link directly to the 'source' from the secondary page.


    Make sense?


    6. Get rid of the scrolling title... your site is too classy for such movement.


    [this is a complement and a non-SEO comment :D ]



    Would have more to say if I knew your best keyword phrase.


    Good luck (and love the voice Thumbs Up ).

  4. Hey Aggie Dad:


    You have been added to our Extended Family - Personal Sites page.


    I would love to see the TCH Hosting link text changed to 'Web Hosting with Total Choice' (the whole thing the link).


    Have you read through the pinned threads in the Web Site Promotion Forum?


    Start at the bottom and work your way up, we offer a lot of useful information. If you have any questions... just ask (we are here to help). Use all of these tidbits and then come back and ask for an evaluation... be happy to give you one then.


    Thanks for being part of the family and.... gigem Aggies!

  5. OK... here we go (random order).


    1. Too many links outbound on the home page, I know that they are internal but still too many.


    How about a drop down for the states (that would save 45)?


    How about '5' most recent 'job wants'?


    2. All your images need alt tags.


    3. Jack, you have some structural problems (these are biggies [i.e. spiders do not like bad html]).


    - line 81: you have a </p>... can't find the opening tag

    - line 241 and 242: you have </td> and </tr> with no corresponding opening tags.

    - line 249: you have /font without opening

    - look at 243 and 244 too, I think those tr and td tags are extra.

    - all your anchor tags for each of the 'jobs wanted' do not have closing tags (</a>)


    Again, Jack... these are biggies.


    4.You are not using <hn> tags affectivity. Only use these tags around keyword phrases or headers that have keyword phrases. It is a good rule to always follow a heading tag with equal or lower level (i.e. you follow a h3 with a h2 tag).


    5. Title/Meta Tags


    ><title>Travel Nurse Depot</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <meta name="description" content="Travel Nursing Jobs from Travel Nurse Depot is an online nurse employment agency.">
    <meta name="keywords" content="travel nursing,travel nurse,nurse employment agency,travel nurse depot">


    6. Your Title/Meta Tags should be different on every page (i.e. specific for each page).


    7. Get more backlinks.


    Well, I hope this helps (and sorry so long overdue).

  6. From AWStats Page:



    Version : 5.6+


    MiscTrackerUrl can be used to make AWStats able to detect some miscellanous

    things, that can not be tracked on other way like:

    - Screen size

    - Screen color depth

    - Java enabled

    - Macromedia Director plugin

    - Macromedia Shockwave plugin

    - Realplayer G2 plugin

    - QuickTime plugin

    - Mediaplayer plugin

    - Acrobat PDF plugin

    To enable all this features, you must add the following HTML code at the end

    of your index page (before </BODY>) :

    <script language=javascript src="/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"></script>

    If code is not added in index page, all this detection capabilities will be

    disabled. You must also check that ShowScreenSizeStats and ShowMiscStats

    parameters are set to 1 to make results appear in report page.

    If you change this parameter, you must also change the

    awstatsmisctrackerurl variable into the awstats_misc_tracker.js file.

    Change : Effective for new updates only.

    Possible value: Name of javascript tracker file added in HTML code

    Default: "/js/awstats_misc_tracker.js"



  7. Can I have Rank Evaluation, or is it only for sites in english?


    I will try Anny... but I am definitely handicapped ;)


    You are in the Google Index Thumbs Up


    SEO Thoughts:


    I am not a big fan of frames; they have a distinct disadvantage.


    I would remove the Microsoft link on the bottom.


    Use some <h1> tags on keywords.


    I know it would change the page visually, but from an SEO point of view, the blue menu on the left side of the page would be better on the right.


    I wish I could give you more information on specific keywords but... I cannot read them! :) Sorry.


    Get more sites to link back to your site, this will help a lot.


    Good luck and again, sorry.

  8. Just a quick note to all... (musicfisk and I already discussed this):


    A site can never get penalized because a bad site/neighborhood links to you. Only if you link to a bad site/neighborhood.


    That makes sense because if the prior was true, competitors would go around adding your link to bad neighborhoods :dance: You would have no contorl.



    Make sense?


    Direct from Google's 'Facts and Fiction':


    Fiction: A competitor can ruin a site's ranking somehow or have another site removed from Google's index.

    Fact: There is almost nothing a competitor can do to harm your ranking or have your site removed from our index. Your rank and your inclusion are dependent on factors under your control as a webmaster, including content choices and site design.

  9. Bill... I am so happy that you are back in the modern world. Had to be a serious pain. It is events like these that make us appreciate those 'little' things that we take for granted.


    Again, :dance: :D

  10. I understand what you are saying and I could have sworn that you were... that is why I put in the 'Google Directory' link. I just looked and you are not there. :)


    This might be a bit strange but it might be do to the fact that you entered the index at a time when not all screws were tight (Google's).


    Let us wait (I know you have been), for just a bit longer and see if you 'appear' for good after this update.


    Google does 'think' you are there, I mean they list you as being there!

  11. Jack:


    I may be confused by your confusion... :D


    When I look at the site in question, I see that you are in the Google index


    Google Directory


    The site is indeed indexed. You have a PageRank and recorded backlinks. Your description in your Google listing is the one dmoz gave you when you were included in their index.


    All looks fine from my end... we could do some optimization to get higher rank but what you have is good.


    Am I not understanding your question?

  12. Jim:


    Things at Google have been very different these last 2 months... nothing 'standard'. There is a lot of talk out there regarding why, but know one really knows.


    I have always (as I have stated in numerous threads) believed that things have been a little broken (regression back to old indices, delayed updates, etc.). Others have postulated that there will no longer be a real 'dance' and that all updating will be on the fly.


    I can not believe this, if you look at the PageRank (PR) equations you will see that PR is dependent on the entire Index. Therefore, how can you ever determine PR of one without 'seeing' the whole?


    If I had to guess (which is pretty foolish), I would say that this 'dance' is looking more typical and maybe we will be back to a more consistent update (i.e. monthly).


    I will keep you posted though when I gather 'real' information. :lol:

  13. I have always found it best not to submit directly to Google. Rather get indexed via an indexed page linking to your site.


    The Google dmoz connection is several fold. The 'core' index Google uses is dmoz's index. In addition, when you look at a search engine ranking page from Google you will see the listing shows the page Title, then it usually shows the Meta Description contents and then it gives a 'Description'. The 'Description' used is the one that was created by dmoz when the site was included within their index.


    These two factors (plus an actual 'category' contribution) are why dmoz is important.

  14. Cool Rob... but I just looked again at your site. We could do more with your site in obtaining 'real' traffic for the right search phrase. Your site is the type of site that would reap huge benefits form proper optimization (i.e. sell more).


    We are considering the release of a new paid forum in which participants become the optimizers and we focus on each participant's specific site. You are a prime candidate for such a beast. We will keep you posted.

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