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Posts posted by SEO
SEO Thoughts:
You are in Google's index but you have a PageRank of zero
How new is this site?
Set Alt values for all your images.
Small HTML problem on your form:
<input type="image" src="" border="0" align="absmiddle">
All input tags should have a 'name'.
I would reduce the number of keywords.
Try to use some header tags around keyword phrases. Also, do not be afraid to use bold tags around keyword phrases.
Remove both the java and the hunger site links from the home page (remember these are just optimization thoughts).
To properly optimize this site, one would have to perform a complete keyword phrase analysis. Obtaining the 'best' phrases is critical and the first step. Once these are determined, use them in your Meta tags, title, headers, and body content. Begin sentences with them and enhance them with bold tags.
The ideal: every Meta keyword is used in your title (which is not too long), your description and your body text.
Create a sound strategy to acquire links from relevant sites.
Hope this helps and good luck
SEO Thoughts:
You are in Google's Index, your PageRank is four and you have three relevant links.
You need more 'relevant' links. Relevancy defined here as an external page possessing a PageRank of three or higher.
You need to add Alt tags to all you images. Use keywords in these tags, not over use but definitely include them (e.g. Reiki Seichim Healers Header 1).
You have multiple <html> and <body> tags going.... bad
Change your <title> tag (it is too long): <TITLE>Reiki & Seichim Masters of Australia</TITLE>
Way to many keywords! Phrases like illness, ailment, cancer, sickness, global healing, etc. are not helping you in this context. Narrow them down to a true minimum and get rid of the spaces separating them (e.g. reiki,Reiki instead of reiki, Reiki).
Would like to see a header tag <h1> around your header: 'Reiki & Seichim Healers
of Australia'.
We provide FREE LISTINGS to
Reiki Healers in Australia.
We can also supply you with
We can also do all the setting up for you.
(check Members Pages for details)
Reiki Healers in Australia, we provide FREE listings to Reiki Healers in Australia.
Reiki Healers listing (this would be a link)
We also offer Reiki Healers Web Pages.
Reiki Healers web pages (this would be a link)
Good luck.
SEO Thoughts:
You are in Google's Index but you have a PageRank of zero
I am not a fan of frames (at all). This is for many reasons but most importantly; they affect optimization of a site in a negative way. In your case, I do not see the 'visual' advantage either.
You need to clean up your code, you have some empty tags (e.g. <b> </b>) and some tags that are either missing an opening tag or a closing tag. Clean HTML will not only help how a site is ranked but will also load faster.
Shorten your keyword list.
I would include your name (John David) in your <title> tag and both Description and Keyword Meta tags.
Hope this little bit helps
Your blog has been added to our Extended Family - Personal Sites page.
My parents spent several years in Abu Dhabi... unfortunately I never visited them while they were there. Your reference obviously made me smile.
You need to add some Meta tags to your pages (Description and Keywords). In addition, you have an empty <title> tag. I would also recommend looking at you html; you have many empty tags and excessive code. Clean code will help with loading speed and spider evaluation.
I will be thinking of your warm sands here shortly, tonight we are supposed to get down to 3 degrees Celsius
Sorry, we can only add one URL... maybe it is time to change your subdomain to a 'real' domain? URLs are very inexpensive and we all know how reasonable hosting costs!
Post your information here regarding adding your personal site.
Please include:
1. Your URL e.g. (please make it a link, you know click the http:// button up above)
2. The name of your site.
3. Give a brief description of your site (approximately 75 characters max.).
4. Please acknowledge that you have a link back to TotalChoice Hosting (required) click for adding a link to TCH
I have added the site to our Extended Family - Commercial Sites page.
Will offer you my SEO thoughs shortly.
We have added both sites to the Extended Family - Nonprofit and Informational Sites page.
Thanks for the home page links Thumbs Up
You have been added to our Extended Family - Commercial Sites page.
I will offer my SEO thoughts shortly.
We have added you to the Extended Family - Nonprofit and Informational Sites page.
SEO thoughts will be coming shortly.
We have added you to the Extended Family - Nonprofit and Informational Sites page. I think that is the best place, let me know if you think differently.
SEO thoughts will be coming shortly.
Thumbs Up Jack
Okay Jack since you brought it up (here and elsewhere )... do you have the 'perfect' drop-down menu script?
Sorry for the delay in response... just got back in town.
I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter what the HREF contents are, as long as Google recognizes it as the same page (Which with how advanced Google is, I'm sure it's smart enough).One example:
PageRank = 7
Backlinks = 335
PageRank = 6
Backlinks = 523
PageRank = 6
Backlinks = 609
All three URLs point to the 'same' page.
I use this example to demonstrate an additional point that we have addressed in other threads: note that the URL with the highest PR is not the URL with the highest number of backlinks.
i.e. Quality of Backlinks > Quantity of Backlinks
Not to play the devil's advocate but this looks a little suspicious to me. A 'trick' by some web designers is to place links from client's sites to other clients and this may be in play here. A rather sly tactic I might add but it would 'look' innocent and be affective.
Three reasons why I say this:
1. It happens.
2. How many web designers would 'accidentally' misspell their own link?
3. The sites being identical may be because the same person designed both.
I am curious to look at it further. Could you PM the site's URLs.
Thank you.
so, i would recommend to all that read this to check out alternate spellings of your domain, and if you have something you want to keep wholesome, pony up the $9 for godaddy and hook up the alternate spellings.Most definitely, a wise and prudent course of action for all!
My best advice is to be consistent in whichever way you go. I generally recommend the full address though. Spiders look at URLs not actual 'pages'. Therefore, you can dilute the PageRank of one specific page by referencing it with different addresses... not good.
Will add you to our Non-Profit / Information Members page shortly. In the mean time, a few notes regarding my optimization thoughts for both sites:
First, I would love to see a 'web hosting with TotalChoice' link on both home pages
- place comment (copyright) after </head> tag
- need alt tags (not empty) on all images
- add all basic meta tags: keywords/description
- change title tag: <title>OMGN: Online Multiplayer Gaming Network • Error 404</title> ; How about: 'Online Multi-player Gaming Network'
- remove: <meta name="revisit-after" content="7 days" />
Visual notes:
I would add a couple of <br> before you begin your table (i.e. add a little white space on top).
Reduce the font size of 'Your Source….' and 'Home' at the top.
II. Friend Survey
- <title>Friend Surveys: Survey Your Friends - Main</title> ; How about: 'Free Survey Creation - Friend Survey'
- Description: Free survey script by, create free surveys!
- Keywords: 'survey, free survey,survey script,'
- place comment (copyright) after </head> tag
- need alt tags (not empty) on all images
- remove: <meta name="revisit-after" content="14 days" />
Visual notes:
I would add a couple of <br> before you begin your table (i.e. add a little white space on top).
Reduce the font size of 'Main', 'Login', 'Signup', etc. at the top and 'Advertise', 'Copyright', etc. at the bottom.
By design (if you are considering search engine optimization), one wants one prominent page to receive most of the external links and this is usually the index page. Then your index page 'feeds' the rest of the site's pages. The higher the PageRank of your index page, the higher the PageRank will be for internal pages. In addition, external links pointing directly to internal pages will contribute to their PageRank.
I have mentioned several times in other threads and writings how internal link structure is very important in the design of your site. This deals directly with this subject… distributing PageRank throughout your site via internal linkage. Now, I can not give any specifics because ideal internal structure for a given site is specific to the details/characteristics of that given site. I generally recommend adding a site map to a home page, which will allow links to all pages within the site (but again, this is 'general' and does not apply to all situations/sites). This aids in both PageRank distribution but more importantly, complete site indexing.
Should I make sure the index has different/fresh spider food on it every time they crawl it that maybe points to different parts of my site or would this make it look like a doorway that would get rejected?Several points:
1. No, this is not a doorway page. A doorway page is a completely separate page that feeds another page via a redirect. As you noted, this is a serious no-no.
2. Fresh content is always advised, but for 'other' reasons.
3. No, do not alter your internal link structure on a routine basis. For the sake of conversation, let us say you have one link that you will routinely change which will point to a different internal page. Each time you change the link, you will 'feed' PageRank to the new page but the PageRank of the old page will be reduced (by the same amount). Ideally, sets up your internal structure to best fit your particular situation and have that structure remain constant. I know this is not giving you concrete advice of how to actually do that, but as I said, it is unique to each and every site.
Hope this helps (somewhat).
A fellow member writes:
I have noticed that there are TONS more hits on the index page of my site than the rest of the site. This tells me I need links from index to the other pages to get them spidered, but it makes me wonder this:Should I make sure the index has different/fresh spider food on it every time they crawl it that maybe points to different parts of my site or would this make it look like a doorway that would get rejected?
Just trying to understand all I know about Googlebot. Thanks for any help you can give on this issue.
Also, if I'm not mistaken, there are some browsers that sometimes will send the referrer HTTP field with the current URL when you visit a different URL.
i.e. someone was browsing and then entered your website address on the browser and pressed enter. The browser, instead of not sending the referrer HTTP field, set it to the current URL ( and sent it to the server.
Concur [Thumbs Up Raul]
Want to make sure you realize what you are doing. I see that your site is a commercial site. Such a site should want the highest rank with the search engines. One 'player' in rank is the number of quality inbound links that a site receives... why would you want to minimize this?
You might want to read Search Engine Optimization - An Overview.
Just trying to help
Sorry, we require a link back to TotalChoice
I understand the difficulty in your situation (first hand). A couple of suggestions:
First you could creat a links/resources page with TCH link under web hosting.
Second... a little sneaky but will work. Center a link on the bottom of your home page that looks like this:
Again, sorry but a link back to us is important.
P.S. Did you remove a link to TCH from the Hungry Hound site?
You have been added to our Extended Family - Personal Sites page. Sometimes it is hard for me to decide on the personal page vs. the non-profit / informational page. If you would prefer the other... let me know.
Would love to see your reference to TotalChoice changed to a simple text link that reads: Web Hosting with TotalChoice Hosting
- the whole thing a link
You did not ask but....
...from an objective SEO point of view and a subjective visual point of view, your site would be better if you changed your start.htm file to your index.htm (i.e. skip the intro page).
Let us know when the site is complete (you are off to a nice start). We really would prefer whole sites (i.e. no 'under construction') to be added to our family pages.
Do let us know when you are up and running.
Good luck.
You have been added to our Extended Family - Personal Sites page.
Please Add Charterboat Ultra Grand Slam
in Add Me to the Family
Okay Jim here are some SEO thoughts:
The site is in Google's Index with a PageRank of four. The site has 14 relevant backlinks.
Work on obtaining more backlinks from relevant sites.
Not sure why you are doing the 'opening' page format. I have never liked that as a surfer and not sure it bodes well for optimization (but if designed properly it could).
Also, not sure of the best phrase(s). As you know, this is critical. This was addressed in another thread and I believe it was Jack who commented about going after your niche market. I will go back, find that post, and comment there as well in this regard. However, for now, I will say that is right on the mark for this specific situation. You do not need hordes of people looking for 'key west', think about all the 'noise' that would create. You want people who want to fish! Again without the proper research, I am just shooting in the dark here... but for the sake of this post let us say 'key west charter' is the best phrase.
My thoughts will focus only on the index page.
If you are going to leave this format, change 'Enter our Site' to 'Enter Key West Charter' and remove the graphic link (i.e. do not have a link on the image).
Also, would not be bad (or expensive) to buy ''. Again, assuming that would be the best phrase. Obviously, you would do a redirect from the existing site.
Change all you links to the appropriate phrase (this would be true for all your pages):
e.g. recent key west catches
e.g. key west charter rates
e.g. key west fishing reports
I would like to see a header with header tags on the keyword phrase.
I would like to see the keyword phrase as the first words of a sentence.
I would like to see the keyword phrases bolded in the body of the text.
Good luck my friend