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  1. I am going to let the personal domain expire. In six years I haven't done much at all. This new site will be fun and visited often. Maybe I'll do a personal blog, but in the meantime it doesn't make sense to me to keep paying for basically an unused resource. I'll start new. Before you know it, the ladies of the Berea Mill Stream Quilters will join the 21st century! Thank you so much for your help. Happy 4th to you and yours from me and mine. Peace.
  2. Hi Thomas! Thats sort of what I need. The existing account is for my personal domain. It is paid up until September. I would like to just park it with the registrar now. The new domain is not personal, it's for my quilt guild and I'd like to be able to set it up so folks can use it right away. Does that make sense? I'm fine with letting my personal account expire at the end of August because that time is already paid for. What's most important in all of this is that guild members can use www.bereamillstreamquilters.com and get to our guild site. There are several members who will be helping me with building the site for content, functions, etc. We have our annual quilt show coming up and will be getting some nice press coverage. At the very least I want to be able to give them an e-mail addy from the guild's domain so folks can contact uis and/or be added to our mailing list. Thanks so much for your help. Beth
  3. I have much the same question. I want to stop using the domain I currently have an account for and begin using a new domain name. Can I overlap them? Should I stop the existing one now, as soon as I have the files backed up? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  4. I was looking for my very first host with little to no personal website experience. I use dogpile.com for searches - that took me to findmyhost.com. I spent 2 nights reading and comparing. Service and support were my primary criteria and I allowed for a wide spectrum of fees to get what I wanted. When I came to the TCH site and found every question I had answered, and the amazing family forums, I knew this was the best choice for me irrespective of price - which turned out to be unbelievably good. Haven't regretted it once and recommend TCH as often as the subject comes up in conversation.
  5. Tater (Tater Tots ... do they still make those?)
  6. Well, I took the plunge and bought the Dimension 4700, Intel Pentium 4 520 w/HT, 2.80 GHz, 800 FSB. Went with the 1 GB Ram, 80 GB harddrive, and the 17" digital flat panel upgrade. Added a few other small bells and whistles but nothing major. Decided I didn't really want a DVD - don't need it, won't use it. Took the freebie CD-RW drive instead. Did purchase the 2 year extended warranty/service agreement. Without the taxes, and after the rebates, I'm looking at just under $900. I'm happy, actually, I'm really happy. Thanks for the referral to techbargains, TCH-Bruce It definitely made a difference in finding the right starting point for a good package with a price I couldn't begin to touch anywhere else. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the man in brown to bring me my new toys - looks like about 2 weeks.
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