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Posts posted by ThumpAZ
Tim, if you'd provide us with a link to the thread in question, we could take a closer look at it with you.
The forums were upgraded a while back, and there might still be a few loose ends here and there that we, as mods, are not able to easily experience.
I read for about 1 hour every morning
I run the gamut from my 4-wheeling magazines and other periodicals (Reader's Digest, PC, etc.) to tech manuals to my wife's cast offs.
Right now I am reading a series about a wizard in Chicago... Hary Dresden.
Pretty interesting and captivating, as I seem to be killing off a 300 pager in about 7 hours.
I also like Whodunnits and have read all of the Sue Grafton Alphabet series with Kinsey Milhone.
I read just about anything I can get my hands on, including the backs of shampoo and other toiletry and cleaning bottles when desperate. LOL
From Tech Republic:
Virus Alert: Worms set Trojan horse trapVirus Name: Win32.Kelvir.a, Win32.Serflog.a (aka Sumom)
Rank: Medium to high risk
Type: e-mail worms
What it does: Worm drops multiple copies of itself, regenerates on IM startup
Means of transmission: Win32.Kelvir.a spreads via a URL inserted in an Instant Message, modifies IM software registry entries and forwards itself to all IM contacts. Win32.Serflog.a presents itself as an IM attachment and copies itself into folders shared by peer-to-peer e-mail clients.
How to recognize: Win32.Kelvir.a presents itself in an IM that reads "omg this is funny." Win32.Serflog.a affects MSN Messenger users and includes the message "???? Omg click this."
Who is at risk: MSN Messenger users
Virus brief
Antivirus companies on Tuesday flagged a new worm targeting MSN Messenger and a variation of an existing threat. Security researchers discovered the appearance of Win32.Kelvir.a, a new twist on the previously identified Kelvir threat. Researchers also identified a new worm in the wild; caked Win32.Serflog.a or Sumom. Both worms are rated medium-to-high risks.
I don't have any idea right this second... maybe someone will pop in and provide you with some ideas to try.
Few or none of you may know him, even though he was quite a fixture in the 4-wheel-drive scene for many years. But those who did know him either loved or hated him... most the former.
"The FAMOUS! Mr. Ed" (as he was called in his Mr. Ed's Excellent Adventures videos) passed away this dreary weekend. My version of the news is limited, but he apparently died from pneumonia. Nonetheless, a prominent figure, Ed Melendy, is gone.
This man was like a father to me for a long time. He was one of the first wheelers I met in AZ that was nice to a stupid little punk kid in a red Jeep CJ-7. He took me under his wing and taught me the polite and responsible way to use my 4wd vehicle, and got me involved in organized wheeling. I could never show him my gratitude for that.
What I am most appreciative of is the night I called him at 3AM in the middle of a winter rainstorm with a busted water pump, 20 miles from my home (30 from his in the opposite direction) and my wife out of town. His only question when I said I needed help was "Where are you, and do you have some dry clothes." He was at my location in less than 45 minutes with his trailer and some hot coffee. He stopped by the next day to help me replace the pump, running for parts when it was discovered that the pump was not the only thing needing replaced.
I was Glenn-RedCJ to him, as he could remember you better if he had a reference to you vehicle. Otherwise, you couldn't trust him to be able to know you without your rig around.
Sad day for me, even more so, since I just talked to him a few weeks ago and he was in great spirits.
R.I.P Mr. Ed
She wasn't happy with that engine failure.
Did anyone watch the Busch race from Mexico City today? I have to say... you take those boys out of the roundy-round and make their pit crews service from the other side of the vehicle and things go nuts.
That was the funniest race I've seen in a while. You could tell that the camermen and other production folks were not the normal ones found here in the states.
This instance isn't a violation of the AUP, as interpreted and explained again to me a few minutes ago. So I can respond now
Following the steps above will net you a folder for each of the teachers, by login name. This will can also reflect their own little sites.
However, talking with one of the paid staffers has alerted me that you will quickly run out of room on your site should you do too many sites or not properly manage them.
Additionally, FrontPage is not always very friendly when dealing with subdomains, so be aware of that possible pitfall.
I would bet that the person is/was running some sort of website on their Cox account and using your images for their pages. However, instead of downloading them, then uploading them to their own server, they are linking to them from your domain. aka leeching.
It is a similar thing to hotlinking and can be protected against with the same methods.
EDIT: I did a little checking, and this person is running cable internet. With that type of bandwidth usage on your site, I would also imagine that this person was experiencing extremely high usage on their account and Cox shut them down for running a website on their account (not allowed).
Not much you can do about this particular person now, since the IP address is no longer responding.
I, personally, don't have any single favorite driver. But I do try my best to catch the races on the tube.
My wife, however, really likes Michael Waltrip. She once saw that show that was interviewing the drivers and such in their coaches or at their homes. She fell in love with his little curly-headed monster of a daughter, and the fact that he seems to be such a great dad and husband. That and the dark curly hair on his yhead LOL.
I have to say, he does always seem to be a rather calm and composed guy, even in the face of a DNF. Just not too keen on his showboat of a team mate/owner.
All of the above, plus we like to poke and joke at each other.
Once you get to know all of the regulars, and our personalities, you'll realize we don't just think of you as a number, or a monthly fee... but as a friend that we'd feel happy to help out.
Welcome to the Family!
I just KNEW someone would chime in with 42 LOL
The Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything = 42
Alert: Three nasty new worms are on the loose--all are designed to lower your user's guard, then pounce.
Name: Bropia.F
Type: Worm
Vulnerability: New Bropia variant uses pair of worms to infect systems
How it works: The new Bropia offshoot, which uses MSN Messenger to spread, is packaged with a second, more damaging worm.
See details on Bropia.F
Name: Bobax.H
Type: Worm
Vulnerability: New worm turns your PCs into spam factories
How it works: Photos of a "dead" Saddam Hussein are the lure for a new mass-mailing worm.
See details on Bobax.H
Name: Wurmark-F
Type: Worm
Vulnerability: New worm hands over control of PC to hackers
How it works: Trojan rides as an e-mail attachment of a picture of an old man making a silly face.
See details on Wurmark-F
Yeah, we have a benzoyl peroxide shampoo from the vet for this for the time being. Said that most human stuff contains alcohol and is irritating to the kitty.
I am using it nightly right now and it'll hopefully go away. Poor furball
Gross, though... man oh man... so gross!!
OK, get this... my cat apparently has begun suffering from feline acne. How in the world does this happen? She doesn't eat chocolate. Heck, she is on a prescription food from the vet.
Well, I had a kitten and then a toddler cat. Now I've got a teenager and I am pulling my hair out... just look at my picture and see what this cat is driving me... baldness, that's what!!!
Anyway, I did learn something interesting. Cats are apparently allergic to plastic or some such. My cat eat/drinks out of stainless stell, but she chgews on anything plastic around the house. The vet says this could have something to do with it. I don't see how though.
Anyone with insight? This is apparently a common problem?!?
If I were caught in that certain predicament, I would need one or both of two things...
A new door/dorrframe
A good carpet cleaning company LOL
There is only one room in my house without a window... and it's a bathroom.
Congrats to the two of you.
I wish you both the best of success... as your success will drive TCH's continued growth and prosperity.
Rob... now that you're making the big bucks... where's that celebratory drink?
Great looking little car, and I like the rear door (open suicide).
However, it is not as powerful or legendary as my little import... Nissan 350Z. One of the few import cars to be accepted into the "muscle car" crowd.
And just you wait until I get the Stillen supercharger on that bad boy.
Sorry, I had to do it... I love my Z
I wonder how many new crays Bill and Mike have after that episode.
So, Bill... tell us how you _really_ feel.
oh, and you offended my cat, I think... either that or she just decided to bite me because she can.
Ok I have another question about transferring. I went ahead and tried to transfer my domain to TCH and it said they accepted paypal and it would take the funds right out of your paypal account. Well when I went to accept the license thing, it took me to paypal but it wanted me to add a credit card before I could do anything else. I do not own a credit card. I have money in my paypal account to cover the charges, but it wouldn't let me do anything unless I added a credit card first.
I don't remember having that problem when I registered and purchased my other domain name through TCH.
This is something that I find a bit odd as well. I would reccomend that you open a Help Desk ticket for this one and address it to Billing. They should be able to get you sorted out. However, it does sound like a PayPal thing to me.
Not quite closed...
Welcome to TCH!
Now it's closed
While possible, it can be a pain to change everything later.
However, with certain development tools, this irk can be less painful. I know that with Dreamweaver, you are able to change items and it will then inspect the entire site and make the appropriate changes for you, sort of an expanded link-checking.
Keep that in mind as you are doing the development work. And welcome back to TCH!
Richard is correct, in a sense, as is your understanding.
You can have multiple different DNS entries all pointing to www.yourdomain.tld, however, they all will resolve to www.yourdomain.tld. They won't resolve as www.yourotherdomain.tld.
If you are wanting to have www.yourotherdomain.tld pointed to www.yourdomain.tld/other or other.yourtdomain.tld, you are correct, that requires a reseller account.
What Thomas said about entering "unknown" in those fields is correct.
The staff there will get right on it and get you squared away. Just remember to keep an eye on the email box you provide to them.
If you don't see anything real soon, check the SPAM folders for that email, as sometimes responses from the support line or even the registration information fall in there.
Have You Read A Book Lately?
in Open Discussion
Yeah, Franklin Covey books are always interesting to read... no... wait. Those were my eyelids, not words.
Well, they are effective... as a sedative.
In all fairness, I've read most all of the motivational, effectiveness and interpersonal skills books I can get a hold of. Makes life a little more comfortable when you're almost phobic about crowded settings and can just follow the steps and tips you read in a book somewhere.