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  1. Thanks David. Your first method will do nicely. Thanks.
  2. I have some issues with modrewrite and the ampersand. I encoded the ampersand to %26, but it doesn't seem to work. View the following php scripts to replicate the issue. Using Simple Get Request http://section31.us/temp/modrewrite/get.php?foo=a%26b >prints Array ( [foo] => a&b ) Using Mod Rewrite (RewriteRule ^foo/(.*) get.php?foo=$1) http://section31.us/temp/modrewrite/foo/a%26b >prints Array ( [foo] => a [b] => ) Anyone have any experience using an ampersand with mod rewrite.
  3. Hm, now I can't seem to send any type of email to hotmail without it being filtered as spam. I've tried doing a very basic email using mail(), then I tried using php mail classes like PHP Mailer and Richard Heyes Mail Class. All emails are being put in the junk email. Any ideas? Has anyone had success with this?
  4. this is cool.
  5. Ok, I was trying to break the habit of using the mail() function and instead start using pear's mail library so I can authenticate myself and I won't have to send as "nobody". Well, I wrote a sample script and had it send 3 emails, one for each of the largest free email providers. One to gmail, yahoo, and hotmail. All of them go through fine except hotmail. It doesn't throw it in the junk mail, it just doesn't get delivered. I've tried this on 2 servers, one on tch and also on another host. Same results...Any Ideas? If someone wants to try it out, that would be great. Here is the snippet of code to get you going. http://section31.us/scripts/test/smtp/hotmail.wth.phps ><? error_reporting(E_ALL); include('Mail.php'); $headers['From'] = 'name <user@yourdomain.tld>'; // put your name and email here $headers['Subject'] = 'Testing SMTP Mail'; $body = 'This is a plain text body message.'; $params['auth'] = true; $params['host'] = 'localhost'; $params['username'] = 'user@yourdomain.tld'; // put your username here which is your email address $params['password'] = 'pass'; // pur your pass here $params["persist"] = true; $mail_object =& Mail::factory('smtp', $params); foreach (array('user@hotmail.com', 'user@yahoo.com', 'user@gmail.com') as $to) { // put your emails here $headers['To'] = $to; $mail_object->send($to, $headers, $body); echo "Email sent to $to!<br />"; } ?>
  6. nevermind, it was my fault. I was using an email forwarder and hadn't set up a proper inbox for that email... LOL sorry.
  7. When I send out an email with php's mail() function and I add the 5th parameter to specify the return path to on my valid email address ex. admin@****, is the email suppose to bounce back to that address if it fails to send it. I just tried doing that, and I can't get it to bounce back.
  8. Hi guys, does anyone happen to know a script that can do the exact same thing cpanel does when you go into subdomain stats and click on latest visitors. It gives you like some type of path analysis to show you how the client navigated your site. Here is a screenshot from cpanel. Even the exact same script in perl or php would be great.
  9. so did you fix it because it seems to be working on my end.
  10. Sounds about right. Thanks.
  11. Why is it that error_reporting(E_ALL) doesn't report all errors, yet using that .htaccess file does?
  12. Yeah, i don't really understand why the '2>&1' made the difference and not the z flag. My files did have spaces in them, but that -print0 and xargs -0 fixed that problem.
  13. Hey david, It appears the 2>&1 fixed the problem, but now I figured out a way without it. So, here is the final solution to my goal for the record. ># Works with spaces in filenames/directorys too find './foobarDir/' -iregex '.*\.\(jpg\|jpeg\)' -maxdepth 1 -print0 | xargs -0 tar -cvzf backup.tar.gz Thanks you two for being so patient with me.
  14. Indeed it would do it recursively. I have it set to maxdepth 1 because I don't want it to archive recursively.
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