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Posts posted by runninghorse

  1. Hi all,


    I had a reseller account here about a year or so ago and only left for an upgrade to a dedicated server with a deal I had worked out with someone else (read: free). So while it was good while it lasted, there was some serious problems at the very end, including a virus that somehow got on the server, all his clients (and all my client sites) were wiped, and in the process I got shuffled around 2 or 3 times, had almost a month of downtime for some clients (NOT GOOD), and have now ended up with someone else on a "dedicated" box (which is also another you-scratch-my-back-I'll-scratch-yours kind of deal). My original contact has now gone out of business. Now, I'm having all sorts of problems with this new box, and to say the least, I'm not happy. The guy claims that the 512 ram installed isn't enough to run cPanel, and cPanel keeps timing out, crashing, and I'm thinking I'm missing out on some of my mail. Now while I would have no real way to know how ram intensive cPanel and WHM is, I just know that I never used to have the problems I have now. Not to mention this guy is stretched thin, and I'm sure I could be very quickly going the way of the Dodo.... so.... I'm ready to get back to some stability.


    Am I still welcome back here? ;) It was a tough decision to make to leave and it's been a tough decision to come back (not because I didn't enjoy being with TCH, but because I dread yet ANOTHER move). Is there ANY way I can get my sites setup before we "throw the switch" so that when DNS propigates, none of my clients see any downtime? I'd love to go with a dedicated box but I can't afford the $150 bucks right now (sick horse that I'm having to find $700/mo for medication :shocking: ...) I have several sites in the works that are ready to become very popular community websites and the lack of consistency with my support is disheartening. Don't get me wrong, the guy is very responsive and gets working on problems right away, but that's just the problem, there's been too many problems to have to work on! *sigh* Plus it just sort of scares me not really knowing where my system is, who's controlling it, etc etc.


    So anyway, before I purchase a reseller plan, will I be welcomed back? :)

  2. I have several Joomla sites (all hosted under my reseller acct, which is of course hosted here). The last one I updated to 1.0.11 (which is the most current), I had to apply a fix to my .htaccess file to turn the register_globals off. It worked like a charm. (php_flag register_globals off to my .htaccess file). Now, I'm working on upgrading another website, and after upgrading went fine, I went to apply the fix. However, this time, it doesn't work. Nothing else is different but I can't for the life of me get it to work. Any ideas?

  3. Well I have a reseller account, and I successfully installed this program, and have it running so far so good. I guess my only question is that is this going to be too much resources or something. It is a very big program. I don't want to be turned off or anything. And sorry about bumping. I usually don't do that unless it's been a couple of days with no sign of reply.

  4. I just recently noticed (last couple days actually) a huge increase in outgoing emails "FROM" me (but not really) being bounced by some email servers. I get about 5-8 bounced emails a day, which makes me wonder how many actually DO go through. The problem is I am NOT sending these emails, nor do I even have email addresses configured at some of the "sending" accts. I am running a virus scan right now, but haven't found anything (yet). Is there anything else I can do to fix this?

  5. Are there any plans on sales on dedicated servers coming up soon? I'd like to upgrade to a dedicated server but can't afford it as of yet, unless I found one on sale (and I don't want to go anywhere else but TCH!) :goof:


    Just curious. Thanks! :(

  6. Okay I tried that and get this:




    <br />

    <b>Warning</b>: explode(): Empty delimiter. in <b>/home/myusername/public_html/coin_cron/cron_config.php</b> on line <b>41</b><br />

    <br />

    <b>Warning</b>: explode(): Empty delimiter. in <b>/home/mysuername/public_html/coin_cron/cron_config.php</b> on line <b>51</b><br />

    <br />

    <b>Warning</b>: main(/coin_includes/core.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <b>/home/myusername/public_html/coin_cron/invoices.php</b> on line <b>22</b><br />

    <br />

    <b>Fatal error</b>: main(): Failed opening required '/coin_includes/core.php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in <b>/home/myusername/public_html/coin_cron/invoices.php</b> on line <b>22</b><br />

  7. Wondering if anybody here uses this script, and if so, wouldn't mind to help me out a little bit with some of the more advanced features (sending of invoices, running cron jobs, etc)....


    Thanks! :)

  8. I'm trying to teach myself some basic beginner php/mysql stuff and I'm looking through some tuts and so forth and have decided to download them to install on my local computer to play with. Now comes the noob question.... if I'm running a windoze setup on my computer, and of course tch is unix, will that make a difference when it's time to switch ov :thumbup1: er and start "really" playing? :thumbup1:

  9. Yeah, welp, I'm not having much luck...


    Where do I find the variables list_subscribe_link and list_unsubscribe_link ...? I think that if I can edit the base url for these 2 links only, this might work.


    The problem is not it actually working in the iframe. That's fine, as long as they access it using the portal link, not the dadamail link. In the confirmation emails, or any emails, where it says "click here to unsubscribe" etc, it's THAT link I'm having the problem with. I want THAT link to open my portal with the dadamail inside.

  10. I've got Dada installed and working great (so far) and am using it inside a ShowHTML mod for my cms portal. Everything is working how I'd like, I have a little subscribe/unsubscribe form right on the front page of the portal and that works great. The problem I'm running into is this. I am trying to use Dada inside an iframe structure (this ShowHTML mod, which was made for the portal I use to be able to display non-portal based pages inside the portal frame seamlessly). So far so good... if linked directly from my ShowHTML mod.


    So for instance, I created the Dada page at http://www.runninghorses.net/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi. Then thru the ShowHTML mod, I go in and have the portal "point" to the Dada page. I give it an identifier (dada-main), and the new link to the Dada page becomes http://www.runninghorses.net/cgi-bin/mods/...pl?id=dada-main ... which is fine for once you're AT the website and/or you've linked into the Dada page via that link, because it pulls up the surrounding cms/portal frameset. However, when you signup or want to edit options or anything on Dada, and also the link for the double opt-in confirmation email takes you to http://www.runninghorses.net/cgi-bin/dada/...=USER@EMAIL.COM (etc, etc) and therefore does NOT pull up the website the correct way. What I need to have happen is to have the [list_subscribe_link] base be the http://www.runninghorses.net/cgi-bin/mods/...pl?id=dada-main and have the user email stuff populate there. Is that possible? I didn't know how to do it because of the parsing of the email address from the confirmation link. Or to possibly work around the confirmation link.


    Any ideas?

  11. LOL Wow! I didn't know there were so many options!


    Basically, I just need some folders in my cgi-bin backed up. So incase I have a crash or something else, I can reupload the most recent version. So, have them put in another folder I guess. Ok, boy, let me think about this and do some more research. Thanks!

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