Hi Boojum,
the way the web works is by givng specific directions (to a browser) to locate the pages or pieces of information to place on your pages. Normally these "directions" are for locations on the Internet so that anyone can find them. These are in the form of domain name with folders/files under these domain names, ie. santacruz.squort.com/index.html.
Now a browser will also work "offline" and display your web pages if you use "generic" directions to the pages and files within your html code. The more specific you are in your code the more limited you will be in what you see offline.
What I mean by this is to not always use the full path to your images and pages in your coding, once your in the domain (or location) of your files this will become the default location and will not need to be used again.
The way to navigate around the harddrive is by using the "path" or folders/subfolders/filename route which is slightly different then the navigation around the internet which is your problem here. Your html code specifies the domain name and offline everything is in a folder and these do not match which is the cause of your confusion.
So the trick is to not code the domain name each and everytime, it should be the assumed default starting point. Make sure that the folders, subfolders and files names are all named the same on both ends and things should work fine online or offline.
When you see santacruz.squort.com/index.html, change it to just index.html. The santacruz.squort.com/index.html is directing you out onto the internet and if you are not connected to the internet will give you an error oir will not display. Using just plain index.html will look for that file in your current (default) location. If you are on the page it will pull that file from the server, if you are offline it will pull from the current folder on the hard drive.