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Posts posted by Madmanmcp
See if this article relates to your problem
I was really expecting something today....
shhhh, still a lot of time left. But I survived my shift with no major server or network problems.
cha-ching, overtime pay
Well I am still waiting to be able to have my official holiday off
A real shame that a vet doesn't get Veterans Day off. Guess its the companies I work for
ajm200, from a quick look I see two things I would question.
zentray.exe is a Remote Control program, do you remotely control your laptop? Did you install this program?
Next I believe you are infected with the "WinMuschi" virus...this line
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [CFDStart] C:\WINNT\WinMuschi.exe -m
see http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcen....winmuschi.html
from the other lines I am looking at is this a work laptop? There are thing running that suggest this is connected to a company network. If it is a company laptop are you allowed to go changing things on it? The Remote Control Program may be there for a reason.
President's Day: Monday, February 16
Read about it this morning and said oh boy, better warn the kids. Later in the day we got an email from security warning everyone and giving instructions for removal.
When my son got home from work I started to pull up the article about it for him to read and was partially explaining it...he goes, "oh, the Osama bin Laden game...its great!"
Took me a little while to actually get rid of it since the instructions didn't work exactly as described. Some of the files were still attached and could not be manually removed. But after a couple reboots and retries I got it I believe.
Sorry manu, I don't think your link is the one HG is refering to. That is an old patch issued back in July 2003.
The link I gave will take you to the one "I believe" HG is talking about. Select the link for your Operating system and it will take you to the correct download page.
Ok, the 40GB is your choice. Now to get the drive split into 2 partitions. I recommend Partition Magic.
How much....that depends on...
Basically I would say half and half. You will be running 2 systems and will have duplicate installations of all your software. Oh, did I not mention this
. Once you install a clean version of XP you will need to reinstall all your programs into XP. You end up with all the MS Office files in two locations for instance.
Now if you have another drive you could install to that and boot from one drive to another.
Thomas, a "clean" install of XP is what I would suggest. If you are having problems now these might be carried forward. You may also want to look into installing into a new partition and setting up a dual-boot system. IF you have enough diskspace.
With a dual-boot you can be sure all your programs and hardware will work. If something doesn't work over on XP you can reboot into ME and it will still work there.
No, did it break any policies or guidelines?
This host ain't my choice.
5 words have brought the wrath of TCH down upon his/her head.
Mission accomplished it appears
. Were they really that bad?
A. Cut back on the number of Groups and Forums.
The Board is made up of 10 groups with 42 forums, anywhere from 2 to 10 forums per group. Either combine some of the Forums or eliminate them and cut down the number.
1. Some of the forums are for a specific products while others cover more than one. Try and be consistant and not split out specific products. For instance, Backend Services is a catchall forum and Frontpage, CSB, Dreamweaver are specific. You can combine to cut back on the number of forums.
2. Some of the forums are very active, lots of topics and replies, and others are not. Eliminate or combine the less active forums.
3. Some of the Forums are Static and maybe better off out on their own web page. The "About TotalChoice Hosting" group for instance, the "More Specifics" and "Policies" forum. The board is for interaction, posting a note and reading replies. These two are just there to read. And "Contest" is just dead space at the moment...unless you are bringing them back
B. If Cutting back is not an acceptable option, maybe divide and expand is. Make two Boards. At the moment I see a possible division point for the board(s), Potential customers and current customers. For me splitting up into two boards seems like a better solution.
Ok, tomorrow at work I'll see if I can come up with some more suggestions. Work is where I "work" best afterall
Why not make suggestions then? Like Jim mentioned there has been "one" suggestion made.
Did everyone skip over my note? I see several suggestions in it.
Hi Jim,
Oh I agree 110%, that was not what I meant...sometimes I say the wrong things the wrong way at times.There is nothing more important to us than our family members... and I know that's especially true for Head Guru.Mike said:
so his emphasis was on the other side of the equation and I was just saying MINE leans the otherway.but it is also a HUGE HUGE marketing tool.
Well I come from the school where quick and to the point works best, when reading, you want to find something without having to read around unnecessary text. The Top of the page says TotalChoice Hosting, The forum is TotalChoice Hosting Family Forums, the topic is TotalChoice Hosting Family. This is probably one of the reasons people (like me) missed the right place to post, they end up skipping over reading to find what they want and skip over what they are looking for.what difference does it really make to call it Family/Open Discussion or TotalChoice Hosting Family/Open Discussion?in the thread about Please Post Appropriately. That post has had only one suggestion and that was for an "Anything goes" which is the Open Discussion forum by another name.Only one suggestion? I believe I dropped a note there (as have others) and I had more than one suggestion I believe
"If something is wrong and you feel strongly about it, maybe you're the one to do something about it.As most can see by now, I am not afraid to speak my mind and this was intended to be constructive. I have given reasons and suggestions and appreciate all comments either for or against.
Backend Services
E-Mail, FTP, DNS, and so on...
There it is...how did I miss that?
Maybe it was the term "Backend Services" and I didn't concider Email or FTP a backend service so skipped over it several times. So I went to Google and typed in "Backend Services" to do a little research and guess what I got. Yep, top two returns were "TotalChoice Hosting Family Forums" which surprised me.
I also did a quick search of the forum and found other notes saying they were not sure where to post.
Hi folks. Hope i'm close to finding the right spot for this question~.
hope this is at the right place
First, apologies if this isn't an appropriate place to ask this. But I'm trying everything.
Glad I am not the only one confused
Mike, ok I understand your point about SEO reasons for being repetitive with "TotalChoice Hosting" and I agree that it would be a great marketing tool. I personally just place more emphasis on helping the customers you currently have.
I've been around the BB's for a long while and have helped design and format and select the topics for them for Prodigy. Yes every single question can not be accounted for by a topic for it, but you can come up with several generic areas where most will fit.
For example lately I have seen lots of general questions about email or email problems and spam and from what I can see there is not a spot where they would fit. TCH offers Email accounts so I would assume help would be necessary for this and lots of questions would be expected. A General Email topic would probably be a welcome addition for them
Hi Mike, the email I received is:
Subject: Forum Subscription New Topic Notification ( From TotalChoice Hosting Family Forums )
From: "TotalChoice Hosting Family Forums" <forums@totalchoicehosting.com>
Date: Wed, January 7, 2004 4:34 pm
To: user@**** (changed by me so I don't get spam)
Priority: Normal
lizzyS has just posted a new topic entitled "File Manager" in forum "Server 53".
The topic can be found here:
Ok, I would like to toss this out again to be discussed. Where oh where do we post our notes.
I have noticed multiple times people starting their posts with a comment stating "I don't know if this is the right forum..." or "if this is not the right forum...".
I just went thru the same futile attempt to post a question and went up and down the Forum list to try and determine where the proper place for my question would be. Well after 5 minutes I gave up, there was no Forum that I could see where my question would be fitting to post. Has anyone else had this problem?
It was a simple question and it was not affecting my web sites. I received an email saying someone started a new topic and I could go read it and gave the link here. It said if I wished to unsubscribe it gave me directions. I have not subscribed to this topic nor have I subscribed to ANY topic and I said no to receiving emails when I set this board up. Why did I get this and why doesn't the instruction to remove work
So I came to the Board with this question for a change (my first question, all I usually do is help) and I went up and down the forum list several times looking for the proper place to post my question. Email...nope, can't find any email, sqmail...nope, I don't know where to post it.
Sorry TCH, I don't want to offend or insult anyone there but I believe the boards here need to be reworked and the forums and Topics named a little better and new ones added. For example, the Forums have "TotalChoice Hosting" in them and it shows multiple times. This one that I am writing in shows as "TotalChoice Hosting Family Forums -> TotalChoice Hosting Family -> Open Discussion". You do not need all the TCH's everywhere. This board is for TCH so its assumed its about TCH and really doesn't need to be in all those places
Again, I am not trying to offend you guys, I just want to help and help others get the help they need easier and faster.
- is known as the "loopback" connection. Is is used to test the network connect to your OWN PC.
When you connect to it you are actually ON the PC you started out from
I'm with Bruce. Create a folder, web protect it and put the file in it. Quick an easy I would think.
Major Xp Problems
in Operating Systems
Under the GENERAL tab is DIAGNOSTIC STARTUP selected? Be sure the NORMAL STARTUP is selected.
Also see if this will help troubleshoot.