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Posts posted by kaseytraeger

  1. Heya heya!


    First, to the moderators -- I'm not completely sure if this forum is the proper place to post my question, so will you please move it for me if need be? Thanks!


    Now, on to the question.


    Yesterday, the raid array for the server my account is hosted from crashed, requiring a complete restoration of all accounts on that server. After all was said and done, I find that two new and strange folders have taken up residence in my home directory (one level above public_html). They are named "cpmove.psql" and "cpmove.psql.1214578510."


    Is it OK for me to delete these folders? While I appreciate the work done to restore my account, I really hate having folders cluttering up my space when they are no longer needed...


    Thank you!

  2. Come on "T" :D


    It may be a while still, metalfork. My domain is at the tail end of "P", and it's still awaiting restoration. Like yourself, I've been keeping an eye out :D all day!

  3. Hi TCH-Ryan,


    Thank you for the explanation. Although I'm fairly tech-savvy from an end-user perspective, I don't know the backend workings of email protocol, server backups and restoration, etc.


    Just so you know, I'm not angry at the situation. If I came across that way, I apologize. I completely understand that sometimes, in spite of our best efforts, #%^&* happens. I just needed to know how email was handled so I can properly address the situation on my end. Fortunately for me, I don't hand out my email address willy-nilly, so I can pretty much determine who might have sent email to each of my TCH-hosted addresses and can write to all those folks to let them know that if they sent email with the last day or so, it may not have been received.


    Thanks again for your dedicated efforts to restore elom.


    My best regards,

  4. My site is hosted on elom but is much further down the alphabetical list. Based on the time you've said the last backup occurred and estimating roughly 11-15% of sites being restored each hour, I could conceivably be without email for roughly 24 hours. So here are my questions...


    (1) What will happen to email that is sent to any email address associated with my account during the time that my account is "down?" Will they be saved and somehow properly routed to my email accounts when my main hosting account is restored? Or will they be bounced back to the sender(s) as undeliverable? Or, worse yet, will they just somehow disappear into the ethos we call cyberspace?


    (2) Am I correct in my assumption that all email received before the server crashed (whether or not it was actually "read" before the server crashed), but after the last backup occurred, is gone for good?


    I can recreate files I was working on yesterday with a relatively small amount of effort, but it's the email that I need to track down.


    Thank you.

  5. Oops ... I got a little busy there and haven't checked in for the last few days.


    Thank you both for the insight into the two different versions of Joomla. I think I'll just leave my installation at 1.0.15 for now and take your suggestion to wait and see if more of the 1.5.x stuff becomes compatible...


    And if you're not concerned that it will be a bear to migrate from 1.0.x to 1.5.x, then I won't be, either! :)

  6. I just installed Joomla yesterday using Fantastico DeLuxe from within cPanel. The version of Joomla it installed is 1.0.15, however, I see from a lot of Joomla documentation that v1.5 Stable has been the "standard" since sometime in March.


    Does TCH recommend migrating from the default installation of 1.0.15 from Fantastico to the new 1.5 Stable? If so, is there a preferred method for handling the migration? If not, has anyone done a Joomla migration before and, just as importantly, would you be willing to assist me in migrating my installation to 1.5?


    Many thanks!

  7. Hi Bruce!! Good to "see" you, too! :)


    As a matter of fact, I do have another question, but it's unrelated to the question I posted here, so I'll start a new thread.


    Feels good to be back. Feels good to be working on web sites again, though I must say, I feel very rusty and like there are a lot of cobwebs in my head to be cleaned out! :) My mind is racing in about a hundred different directions. It kind of feels overwhelming which is a strange feeling... I think I'm going to have to approach this from a very organized perspective and write down things to research as they pop in my head rather than stopping what I'm doing just to go off in a different direction to chase down something else.

  8. Hi Thomas!


    Yes, it has been a long time. But it's great to see some of the "old-timers" still here!


    Thanks so much for the suggestion. I'm definitely going to check it out. From what I can tell, like you said, the learning curve is steep, but once I'm over the hump, it will be a nice system to work with.



  9. Hey folks,


    Can anyone recommend a good resource for learning how to manage a Joomla blog? I just installed Joomla to a subdomain (http://fetchastuddog.pudgypuppy.com/) but am confused by it's administrative panel. Consequently, I'm not having an easy time understanding how to do even the simple things like adding the web site's title to the site -- right now, if you visit this new subdomain, you'll see the generic Joomla sample data, but there's not even a title on the page!


    I've developed a number of web sites over the years, but I'm a complete newbie when it comes to Joomla. I tried going through the Joomla documentation on the Joomla wiki for help getting started, but I didn't see anything for a quick start or written for newbies.


    Many thanks!


  10. Alrightee ... I just set up a new subdomain called "wordpress" and installed WordPress to it using Fantastico. However, when I try to navigate to the subdomain's main index page, I receive an error that says "Firefox can't find the server at wordpress.pudgypuppy.com."


    Anyone know why I'm getting this error? I can see all kinds of files in public_html/wordpress/, which I presume means the software was installed properly. But darn if I can't access it using a browser. I can't get to the admin page (blogger's main login page) nor the main index page ...

  11. Another question ... I'm getting ready to set up a temporary subdomain where I'll install WP. I notice, however, that the only options are "Add," "Setup Redirection," "Remove Redirection," and "Delete." How would I go about renaming the WP subdomain to "doggydiaries" when I'm ready to do so?


    If you want to keep it in the subdomain you currently have install WP into a new subdomain (create it in cPanel). Once you are ready to dump MT just rename the subdomain folder something else and rename the WP subdomain "doggiediaries".
  12. Hey folks!


    I'm finally going to take the plunge and migrate from an old installation of Movable Type to Word Press. I'd like advice on the best way to approach the migration.


    I installed MT so my blog would be in it's own subdomain called "doggydiaries". Obviously, I can't have WP use the same sub-domain until I uninstall MT. My guess is that I'll install WP to another subdomain, or maybe just another directory and get it all set up with stylesheets, plugins and custom features before moving it to the "doggydiaries" subdomain. How do I then transfer the WP installation to the "doggydiaries" subdomain while making sure to cleanly and completely remove the MT installation? I want nothing left of MT in that subdomain, but I want to make sure that all my old posts get transferred into WP.


    Any tips and advice you can offer will be helpful.



  13. Hey everyone.


    I have a very old installation of Movable Type 2.661. I haven't tried to post to my blog in several days (and have not made any changes anywhere in my webspace at all), but now when I try to post, I get the following error after submitting a new post.


    An error occurred:


    Saving entry failed: Duplicate entry '205' for key 1


    I'm at a loss as to what this means or how I can fix it. Although I'm comfortable programming, I never really hacked my MT installation, so I don't even know where to begin.


    Also, I notice that my blog admin section no longer shows the five most recent posts like it used to. I wanted to edit one of my posts from the last week, and when I tried to search for any post, my installation cannot find any entries! I'm worried that they're lost. Fortunately, the missing blog entries still show up on my blog, but I can't access them from within the MT admin section.



    P.S. -- TCH-Bruce, if you're reading this, this could be a sign from the gods that it's time for me to switch blogging platforms. If that's the case, I would sincerely appreciate a bit of hand holding while I try to perform the much-feared and dreaded transfer. I really didn't want to do this now because I have no time to fiddle with it, but if that's what's being thrown at me, then so be it.

  14. TCH-Don,


    I've used SquirrelMail in the past, but didn't care for the way it handled certain things, such as line breaks and overall email format. So my preference now is Horde. Also, the code for creating an html login form for Horde was easily available on the TCH help site.


    Maybe I'll go back and review the SquirrelMail documentation and see if I can't create a login form for SquirrelMail that my husband can use. After all, he's the only one who uses IE! I can easily access Horde from Firefox.




    Looks like those registry hacks are very straightforward. I always get a little nervous when messing with the registry, so I think I'm going to try other options before going that route.




  15. I don't recall reading anything about a registry hack. But I did read the Micro$oft article rather quickly, so I'm sure I gleaned right over that section. I skipped directly to the section where it discussed using "URLs that are opened by a script that uses credentials for state management". I don't have time to read the actual articles they've posted, but it seems to me that I'd need to learn a bit of session management, ala cookies. Unfortunately, I just don't have time to play around with my website like I used to. (Damn this stupid full-time job! I really need to get rid of this thing!)


    As for not using IE, that's not a problem at all for me! I haven't used it for years except when I have to apply security updates to Windows or Micro$oft Office because Micro$oft doesn't allow you to use any browser except IE to apply those much-needed security updates.


    The problem is that my darlin' hubby continues to use IE in spite of my begging and pleading to the contrary. I think it has something to do with stuff at his work, but be that as it may, he only infrequently uses Firefox instead of IE. Consequently, when he wants to check his pudgypuppy.com webmail, he can't do it with IE, and it's very frustrating to him. That was my main motivation for fixing this little problem.

  16. Hmmm, I just tried it, and I still can't get it to work in IE. I've double checked the code, and I can't see anything that I'm doing wrong. If you want to see the code as I've got it running now, you can go to h**p://pudgypuppy.com/ and "View Source".


    By the way, how long has IE had this particular "security" feature? Not that I code a lot of _javascript (haven't done much with it in about the last 2 years), but I don't recall the necessity of accessing variables using array indexes.


    Thanks TCH-Bruce!




    This will work in both IE and Firefox.


    ><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" 
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="application/xhtml+xml; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <style type="text/css">
    #form {
    text-align: center;
    font-family: Arial, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif
    #form h2 {
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    color: #039;
    font-weight: 900;
    #form label {
    display: block;
    width: 15em;
    margin: 0 auto;
    <script language="javascript"> 
    function Login(form) { 
    var server = document.forms[0][0].value;
    var username = document.forms[0][1].value;
    var password = document.forms[0][2].value;
    if ((username !="") && (password !="")) { 
    	var horde = "https://"+username+"+"+server+":"+ password+"@"+server+":2096/"+"horde/index.php";
    	window.location = horde;
    else { 
    	alert("Please fill in all fields.")
    <div id="form">
    <h2>Webmail Login</h2>
    <form id="form1" action="#" method="post" onsubmit="Login(this); return false;">
    		<input type="hidden" value="yourTCHdomain.ext" name="server" />
    		<label for="username">Username:
    			<input type="text" name="username" />
    		<label for="password">Password:
    			<input type="password" name="password" />
    		<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" />

  17. Hey folks,


    In order to easily access my email via the web, I've embedded the HordeMail login script into my website's home page. I found the HordeMail login script on TCH's website at http://totalchoicehosting.com/help/id35.htm.


    In a nutshell, the login script works fine if I'm using Firefox, but never works if I'm using Internet Explorer. I'm hoping someone can shed some light on this for me because it's a puzzler...


    The code for the login <form> is this:

    ><!-- Webmail Login -->
    <form name="webmail">
    	<input type="hidden" value="pudgypuppy.com" name="server" maxlength="30" size="15">
    	<label for="username">Username:</label>
    	<input type="text" name="username" id="username" size="20"><br /><br />
    	<label for="password">Password:</label>
    	<input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="20"><br /><br />
    	<input type="button" value="Login" onClick="Login(this.form)" name="button">


    The _javascript code that performs the login is part of the same webpage and looks like this:

    ><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
    	function Login(form) { 
    		var username = form.username.value
    		var password = form.password.value
    		var server = form.server.value
    		if (username && password && server) {
    			var horde = "https://" +username+ "+" +server+ ":" +password+ "@" +server+ ":2096/" + "horde/index.php"
    			window.location = horde
    		else { 
    			alert("Please fill the username and the password")


    When I attempt to login to my webmail using IE, I get a Microsoft error page that states:

    The page cannot be displayed


    The page you are looking for might have been removed or had its name changed.



    Please try the following:


    Open the thisismyaddress+pudgypuppy.com:thePassword@pudgypuppy.com:2096 home page, and then look for links to the information you want.


    If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly.


    where the email address is "thisismyaddress@pudgypuppy.com" and the password for the email account is 'thePassword"


    The address bar of this error page shows a "URL" of "https://thisismyaddress+pudgypuppy.com:thePassword@pudgypuppy.com:2096/horde/index.php"


    Does anyone know enough about the subtle differences between IE and Firefox in how they handle situations like this? For the life of me, I don't know why IE can't do a simple little login!




  18. I have a related question.


    In order to easily access my webmail, I added a webmail login form to my website using the following code.


    ><form name="webmail">
    	<input type="hidden" value="****" name="server" maxlength="30" size="15">
    	<label for="username">Username:</label>
    	<input type="text" name="username" id="username" size="20"><br /><br />
    	<label for="password">Password:</label>
    	<input type="password" name="password" id="password" size="20"><br /><br />
    	<input type="button" value="Login" onClick="Login(this.form)" name="button">


    This form utilizes the following javascript code in response to a click on the Login button:

    ><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> 
    	function Login(form) { 
    		var username = form.username.value
    		var password = form.password.value
    		var server = form.server.value
    		if (username && password && server) {
    			var horde = "https://" + username +"+"+server+ ":" + password + "@" + server + ":2096/" + "horde/index.php"
    			window.location = horde
    		else { 
    			alert("Please fill the username and the password")


    I got this login script from the TCH website (http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/help/horde-form.txt) and modified it to use the secure login "https://" and port 2096 instead of port 2095.


    Upon logging in, I am greeted with the following error message:

    Security Error: Domain Name Mismatch

    You have attempted to establish a connection with "****." However, the security certificate presented belongs to "server26.tchmachines.com." Blah blah blah


    I read through the webpage referenced earlier (http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/help/sslpage.htm) but don't quite understand how I can get rid of this error.


    Anyone got a solution?


    Many thanks!


  19. Hey folks!


    Been a long time since my last post. I've recently hit a problem that I can't find an answer to. I'm sure someone here at the TCH forums has come across this before and knows the solution.


    One of my coworkers has handed over his website to me with the request of "fix the annoying things." One of these annoyances has to do with accessing files that are stored on one of our local servers (not the web server). My coworker does not want to store these documents on the web server. Instead, he wants to keep them on the server's V: drive and provide links in the web pages to the documents instead of having duplicate copies of the documents in his web space.


    So he creates a web page using MS Frontpage and adds a link that looks like this:

    ><a href="file:///V:/myspace/soma/IQ%20Mod%20Chassis/pdf/front%20dim%20iq%20mod.pdf">Front dimensions</a>


    If I now access the webpage using Internet Explorer, clicking the link immediately opens the PDF file on my computer. Conversely, nothing happens when clicking the link from within Firefox. My coworker would like the link to work in Firefox exactly as it works in Internet Explorer, i.e., the document should be seamlessly accessed and opened on the computer.


    Anyone know how to get this to work in Firefox?


    Thanks so much!

    Kasey :)

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