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Everything posted by TCH-Dick

  1. jberg, I apologize that our staff gave you an incorrect reply and it will be addressed. Please reopen your ticket, it will be handled as soon as possible. As a general reference for anyone else that reads this thread, our standard certificates CAN be renewed up to 60 days in advance as stated in our renewal notices.
  2. Entropy is intended to search files that typically have static content and is setup to only search txt html shtml htm files. PHP is not considered static and normally contains sensitive information such as passwords or security keys. Due to the security concerns and that this CGI is configured server wide for all clients, we unfortunately can not enable PHP files for Entropy. I would recommend finding a PHP site search script to integrate with your code or use one of the site search options from most of the major search engines.
  3. Glad to hear WinSCP is working for you, I ran it for a few years with out issue.
  4. My best guess at this would be related to data type, but it can be caused many things such as firewall/antivirus programs to a bad connection. Try this page for a starting point, https://wiki.filezilla-project.org/Data_Type This is probably the least likely issue, but I wouldn't rule it out. There have been issues over the years of fake/infected copies of filezilla. If you choose to stick with it, review your settings thoroughly and insure your install came from the official source. Of course most important but maybe inconvenient, disable the option to store your passwords. I personally use SecureCRT as it fits my daily work needs, but it a paid program and a huge overkill for average FTP work. Prior to that I was using the free program WinSCP and as far as I know it stores the passwords in the Windows registry. (I'm assuming you are on Windows)
  5. We are currently investigating a power issue. This issue is affecting several servers and part of our network. Our data center techs are onsite and reviewing the issue now. Thanks for your patience and we will provide updates shortly.
  6. The "Switch Theme" option should be in the upper left hand of either theme and you can switch from there. If for some reason you are not seeing this in the older theme, please drop in a ticket to our support desk and we will correct it for you.
  7. Hi Randy, Unfortunately, cPanel recreates that file every day before it runs stats and it should not be directly edited. However, you can create a file named "awstats.conf.include" within the same directory and your changes will be kept. For this file you will only need to enter the settings you wish to change.
  8. Hi, That time frame matches our recent PHP/Apache version and security updates, see the notice at http://blog.totalchoicehosting.com/2014/07/php-updates/ I will advise our team to review this server to see if there are any out of standard changes, but your scripts should now be working. I have added "Options +Includes" to allow your site the proper permissions to execute your cgi scripts with the the current setup. Please check it out and let us know if you need any further assistance.
  9. We have now posted our roll out schedule for the upcoming PHP updates. Please see the original article for the schedule.
  10. TCH-Dick

    Php Updates

    UPDATE: Roll out schedule Resellers: A-F :: July 20 G-O :: July 21 P-Z :: July 22 Shared: A-C :: July 23 D-G :: July 24 H-K :: July 25 L-P :: July 26 Q-T :: July 27 U-Z :: July 28 We will be starting with our reseller servers then moving on to shared. Should any issues arise during a server update, we will update the appropriate server issues forum. If you are unsure what server you are hosted on, you can locate the name using the following method: Login to your cPanel. Under the Stats section on the left, click on expand stats Scroll down till your see the Server Name field (for Paper Lantern theme, click on Server Information)
  11. This will be rolled out to each server as they receive the PHP updates. We will be posting more about the roll out schedule in the next couple of days, so everyone has a better idea of when to expect the changes.
  12. That trace indicates that they are blocked on the server. A quick check of the logs also shows one IP has over 2600 failed log in attempts to the mail service today. These types of blocks are time based but they are progressive, that is if they failed log in continue the block time increases. Please contact our help desk at https://support.totalchoicehosting.com and provide the IP address of your client to confirm this. Once they have the IP address, they can then advise you on what account is triggering the blocks.
  13. How you accomplish this is going to depend on what level of access you have to your service, your server OS, the scripting language used, and may other factors. Please feel free to open a ticket with our support department and provide more information about your current setup. Once we have more details, we can offer a solution to fit your needs.
  14. You can verify your email configuration in your cPanel. Once you are logged into your cPanel, locate the "Mail" section then click on the "Email Accounts" icon. Once on the Email Accounts page, locate your email address and select the "More" drop-down, then click on "Configure Email Account". You will then be presented with several configuration options. Make sure you looking at the "Manual Settings" section, you do not want to use the auto-configure for an existing account in your mail client. Concerning the sporadic mail issues, it is best to contact our support team at https://support.totalchoicehosting.com . They can review your mail logs and the server for any issues, as well as offer guidance on any errors you have received from hotmail.
  15. You are on shared hosting and that is the main IP for the server, so it is in use by all other sites on that server and most likely has nothing to do with the content of your emails. Please contact Support via https://support.totalchoicehosting.com, then will clear up any issues with that IP address and offer alternatives if you do not want to be on the shared IP.
  16. Ah, that is because Linux systems are case sensitive. I didn't see that or would have mentioned it, just glad you were able to find the issue.
  17. Just some additional information for any that does choose to have their cert reissued(that purchased from us). After contacting us the following steps will occur: We will generate a new Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and Private Key, which will be used to reissue and install the new certificate. We will have to verify domain ownership again, how long this takes will depend on the certificate type. Most will be within in an hour. Once verified, the certificate is reissued and we will reinstall the new certificate. The old certificate will then be automatically revoked within 12 to 24 hours after being reissued. Correction: This only applies to a small percentage of certificates through us. If you have a Comodo certificate from us, your serial number will need to be recorded and we will have to manually revoke it. Update from our admin team, this only affected 28% of our shared servers. If you want to know if your servers was affected or not, you can run the simple php script I have attached here. tchhb.php
  18. The certificates for our main site are already done. Note that the date is no indicator, issuing a new private key is not going to change the validity dates.
  19. While not 100% necessary, all of our shared certs are in the process of being updated, this will take time. If you own and have a SSL certificate and you decide you want to have it replaced, then please open a ticket and we can discuss your options. Note that this will require we revoke and reissue your certificate, which will mean until completed you will get certificate warnings on your site. If you do not not have an SSL certificate on your site and do not use our shared SSL, then no one of the affects you. Also note that this only affects our Centos 6 servers, which at the moment is a small part of our server farm.
  20. Try removing the leading slash in your swfobject, like this one "/LessonLoader.swf". That leading slash makes it refer to the root of the site and not the root of the document directory. The other stuff I am seeing appears to be hard-coded into the .swf itself and is attempting to call some images that I can't locate. If the .swf file itself is using a leading slash as well, this may be the source of your issues. You can try placing a copy of the relative setup in the root of the itu sub-domain, and see how it loads.
  21. Yes, our servers were all patched early this morning.
  22. Hi Rosanne, Relative paths should work just fine on our servers, I personally tend to us nothing but relative paths. You can run into problems with them depending the requirements of specific scripting language s or have some hard-coded paths in your code that do not match the new location. If you have some examples of the paths used and from what directory, we can try to guide in you the right direction.
  23. This is a very good question for our admin team. In fact, the question I have for them is not when - but why is this server and others not on 5.5? While there are major changes between the versions, there is not much clients have to worry about and it is already currently running on many of our servers. So to answer your questions: I will be taking this up with our admin team, expect to see this on your server by or before April 1st. You should not have to do anything to make the upgrade easier and most will never notice it happened. The best recommendation I can give though, is to always make sure your scripts are up to date. This will ensure that 99.9% of client scripts are compatible with upgrades.
  24. I am sorry you had issues today, unfortunately the combination of the total images, total size, and amount of traffic was having a negative affect on the rest of the clients on this server. To put some numbers to from what I can currently see: The forum thread you linked to has been over 13,000 times today. That thread has 52 images linked to your site. Those images total 14MB in size. What all this means is that every time someone loaded that page, it made 52 requests to your site for a total of 14MB of data. Using the number you posted of 5000, that is 260,000 requests for data in a short time, which attempted to send back 70,000 MB or 68 GB of data. This is not a large amount by some measurements, but you have to take into consideration that this is a shared hosting account. Toss that much network traffic at your shared account at one time, along with usage from other users and it will cause issues. At this time I have activated your site and we are monitoring it, since you are still receiving a traffic for those images.
  25. If you are referring to our billing, he can add a sub-account for you once he has placed his order. This would let him determine what billing emails and access you have. As always, he can contact our billing department if unsure and they can do that for him. If you are wanting to get information such as bandwidth and quota issues from his cPanel, there is an option there to add a second contact. I recommend using both of those options.
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