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Everything posted by TCH-Dick

  1. Per our recent announcement, this server will be receiving planned PHP upgrades this month. The exact date/time for the upgrades will be announced here at least 24 hours in advance and this thread will be updated as we progress. The default version will be PHP 5.6 for all customers that dont currently have a specific version set. We recommend clients keep their scripts up to date and review them for compatibility. Incompatibilities between PHP versions can be found via the URLs below: http://php.net/manual/en/migration54.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration55.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration56.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.php Please note that the deprecated PHP version 5.3 will be removed entirely. We thank you for choosing TotalChoice and our technical support team will be online to address any questions or concerns.
  2. Per our recent announcement, this server will be receiving planned PHP upgrades this month. The exact date/time for the upgrades will be announced here at least 24 hours in advance and this thread will be updated as we progress. The default version will be PHP 5.6 for all customers that dont currently have a specific version set. We recommend clients keep their scripts up to date and review them for compatibility. Incompatibilities between PHP versions can be found via the URLs below: http://php.net/manual/en/migration54.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration55.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration56.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.php Please note that the deprecated PHP version 5.3 will be removed entirely. We thank you for choosing TotalChoice and our technical support team will be online to address any questions or concerns.
  3. Per our recent announcement, this server will be receiving planned PHP upgrades this month. The exact date/time for the upgrades will be announced here at least 24 hours in advance and this thread will be updated as we progress. The default version will be PHP 5.6 for all customers that dont currently have a specific version set. We recommend clients keep their scripts up to date and review them for compatibility. Incompatibilities between PHP versions can be found via the URLs below: http://php.net/manual/en/migration54.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration55.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration56.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.php Please note that the deprecated PHP version 5.3 will be removed entirely. We thank you for choosing TotalChoice and our technical support team will be online to address any questions or concerns.
  4. Per our recent announcement, this server will be receiving planned PHP upgrades this month. The exact date/time for the upgrades will be announced here at least 24 hours in advance and this thread will be updated as we progress. The default version will be PHP 5.6 for all customers that dont currently have a specific version set. We recommend clients keep their scripts up to date and review them for compatibility. Incompatibilities between PHP versions can be found via the URLs below: http://php.net/manual/en/migration54.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration55.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration56.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.php Please note that the deprecated PHP version 5.3 will be removed entirely. We thank you for choosing TotalChoice and our technical support team will be online to address any questions or concerns.
  5. Per our recent announcement, this server will be receiving planned PHP upgrades this month. The exact date/time for the upgrades will be announced here at least 24 hours in advance and this thread will be updated as we progress. The default version will be PHP 5.6 for all customers that don’t currently have a specific version set. We recommend clients keep their scripts up to date and review them for compatibility. Incompatibilities between PHP versions can be found via the URLs below: http://php.net/manual/en/migration54.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration55.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration56.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.php Please note that the deprecated PHP version 5.3 will be removed entirely. We thank you for choosing TotalChoice and our technical support team will be online to address any questions or concerns.
  6. Per our recent announcement, this server will be receiving planned PHP upgrades this month. The exact date/time for the upgrades will be announced here at least 24 hours in advance and this thread will be updated as we progress. The default version will be PHP 5.6 for all customers that don’t currently have a specific version set. We recommend clients keep their scripts up to date and review them for compatibility. Incompatibilities between PHP versions can be found via the URLs below: http://php.net/manual/en/migration54.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration55.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration56.php http://php.net/manual/en/migration70.php Please note that the deprecated PHP version 5.3 will be removed entirely. We thank you for choosing TotalChoice and our technical support team will be online to address any questions or concerns.
  7. If your goal is testing code, plugins, themes, and other changes, then I do not recommend using a multisite setup. You will still have to manage adding most themes and plugins via the main account, as well not all themes and plugins support muiltisite. If you ever decide to stop using multisite, the process is not as simple as enabling it, this includes manual removal of tables from the database. It sounds like you need complete and finer controller of things that you may eventually implement on your main install of WordPress. If that is the case, I recommend creating a sub-domain and then installing WordPress there for testing.
  8. Posting even part of your code in question might illicit more responses, without it everything is just going to be guesses. Based on the fact that you are hitting a file handler limit and attempts to access lsof is returning a large amount of messages, I am guessing that it is stuck in an infinite loop. Since you are looping, trying to use lsof is not going to be of much benefit, as will result in further issues and excessive resources. With out reviewing all your code I would say start by insuring that fclose is not being called inside a conditional statement, which is probably a condition that is not currently being met. Also add a temporary counter/break option into the suspected loop, at the least this will limit the resources the script eats up and my help you track down the source.
  9. You are trying to pass your variables directly to the PHP command-line interpreter as if you were calling a URL, which which will not work. Try one of the following formats: php -q /home/username/public_html/wp-cron.php _nonce=818e7a73&backwpup_run=runext&jobid=2 php -q /home/username/public_html/wp-cron.php "_nonce=818e7a73&backwpup_run=runext&jobid=2"
  10. If you do not mind your current content being offline while you make changes, then you can do the following. Create a new folder in public_html, either via FTP or cPanel FIle Manager, then move all your current site files into it. Then in your cPanel locate Softaculous and use it to install WordPress, this would have you up and running in no time. None of these changes would affect your email accounts.
  11. I have split this discussion off as it is more appropriate for it to have its own thread. Concerning FTP/S on our servers, they fully support MDTM, MFMT, as well as CHMOD. How these features are used and if time/permissions are preserved is all dependent on the configurations and ability of your FTP client. Please see the following truncated logs that illustrate these features are available and work. i Control connection successfully established to address ''. < 220---------- Welcome to Pure-FTPd [privsep] [TLS] ---------- ... > FEAT < 211-Extensions supported: ... < MDTM .. < MFMT ... < 211 End. ... < type=file;size=0;modify=20150512162041;UNIX.mode=0644;UNIX.uid=862;UNIX.gid=860;unique=803g25c1b2c; robots.txt ... > CWD /public_html < 250 OK. Current directory is /public_html > MFMT 20140512134523 robots.txt < 213 UTIME OK ... > Operation(11340006): SITE chmod 664 robots.txt < Operation(11340006): 200 Permissions changed on robots.txt i Operation(11340006): Changed permissions on file system item: /public_html/robots.txt ... < 221 Logout. i Control connection closed normally.
  12. We have replaced a drive in the raid array and these virtual dedicated servers are now back online. If you have any issues with your server, please contact our help desk.
  13. We are currently investigating several of our virtual dedicated servers that are not responding. We are trying our best to get these servers back online as fast as possible. The servers affected by this outage are vps139 vps140 vps141 vps143 vps145 vps149 vps151 vps153 vps154 We will be posting regular updates here on the status. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
  14. Hi, All of our shared servers offer up to at least PHP 5.5 for the last two years. If you don’t want to use PHP 5.4, you can easily change to the other PHP versions with our PHP Select option in cPanel. Concerning PHP 5.6, we are aware that we are a bit behind on this but it is actively being worked on, we just want have to insure the least issues as possible for all clients. The main issue at the moment is that we are working to upgrade MySQL passwords for all clients sites using pre4.1 style passwords. Unfortunately, while I automated most of this, the majority of that task requires us to manually locate users scripts an make updates. We expect to have this completed in the next 30 days, at which time we will move on to PHP upgrades. The PHP upgrades will also see the retirement of PHP 5.3 on our shared servers and the inclusion of PHP 5.6 and PHP 7. Any one on recently migrated servers will see these changes much sooner.
  15. Sharing is a built in feature of the WordPress(.com) service. Self-hosted/installed WordPress(.org) users can enjoy similar functionality as part of the Jetpack plugin.
  16. Just a note for anyone that has made use of the cPanel CGI Center in the past.
  17. This was on older server running on a 32-bit OS and we only run install 64-bit OS with new servers. What this means is that your older copy of cgiemail was not compatible with the new and I have now updated your cgiemail file and all others on this server. Before: # file cgiemail cgiemail: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.2.5, stripped After: # file cgiemail cgiemail: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.18, strippedPlease accept my apology that this was overlooked and test our your script again. If you continue to have issues after this change, please follow up with out support desk.
  18. A good starting point would be to check out PayPal or Square. Both of these services would allow you to accept credit cards and have offers/discounts for nonprofits.
  19. If you want to change it back and are not sure, just go with the "Default System Setting" option, which should be the same as "Standard Indexing". If you don't want anyone to see your files select the "No Indexing" option.
  20. That error, specifically the port number 443, indicates you accessed the URL using https://, but you do not have an SSL certificate for your site. You can avoid this by accessing it via http://, purchasing a SSL certificate, or using our Shared SSL. Please see http://www.totalchoicehosting.com/faq/support-ssl.html for more information on SSL.
  21. Our servers generate SHA-256 CSRs by default and can support others such as SHA-512. Anyone that purchases as new certificate from use will have no issues and they are compliant. If anyone purchased a multiple year certificate prior to September 2014, they can contact us to have it reviewed and reissued if needed. In fact, if you have an active certificate purchased any time from us or another provider , then just contact our support desk and we will gladly review it for you.
  22. Please forgive me in advance, I know you are not interested in the WordPress forum plugins, but I wanted to cover both sides. Based on a quick review of MyBB, Yes, I would create them as separate setups/databases. In general, I would not combine another scripts database with my WordPress database unless it was designed to work that way like many plugins are. This is a personal preference and combining databases is perfectly acceptable and safe if you are comfortable with doing so. This is not an issue and is common practice. Just keep in mind you may need to adjust the Wordpress rewrite rules to exclude your directory/subdomain, if you run into any issues. Yes, if you want to and this is handled by table prefixes when making your queries. You should consider connection tracking and connection limits when using just one user. I have never added a forum to any my WordPress sites, so I can not recommend a best method, plugin, or forum. I can say that there are many viable options that include forums designed for WordPress(plugins) and bridging scripts/plugins to sync your forum and WordPress users (including some for MyBB). I can definitely understand not wanting to use to many plugins with WordPress, so in that case I would focus on the separate forum and a bridging script/plugin. If you are wanting an all in one management setup, I would take a look at some of the forums designed specifically for WordPress. Alternatively, You could consider not allowing your user base access to WordPress in any manner. You can integrate/display your forum content in your WordPress posts/pages and leave the forum for commenting and discussions. This way you can serve up static or dynamic content to your liking without having to manage users and their privileges within multiple setups. I am not familiar enough with any of the following to recommend them, but they might give you some ideas: https://wordpress.org/plugins/tags/mybb https://wordpress.org/plugins/external-db-auth-reloaded/ https://wordpress.org/plugins/bbpress/ http://www.mybbaddons.com/board/thread-5974.html
  23. Yes, this is your best option for Google Apps and it wont affect your main domain. Create a sub domain via your cPanel, then under MX options select that sub domain and point to the records provided by Google. Once you have that setup you can then manage the email accounts via Google Apps.
  24. We had an issue this morning with our payment processor, causing them to decline a few thousand payments that we attempted to process. This was due to a security change on their end that we were not notified of, which resulted in limiting our daily transaction count. This issue has now been corrected and we will be bringing customer access to our billing system back online shortly. If you received a declined notice this morning and know your account is up to date, then please ignore the notice. We will be reprocessing any accounts that were declined today and your accounts will remain active. Thank you for your patience during this issue and please contact our support team if you have any questions. FAQs What to do if you received a declined notice this morning? If you attempted to update your card and it still failed, then please try updating your card again. If you did not attempt to update your card. then please ignore the notice. We will be reprocessing invoices in the next 24 hours. If you are unsure or can not access your billing account, please contact our support desk. Will my account be suspended? No, our standard suspension is after your account is a week overdue. You have plenty of time to update your account if needed and will be reprocessing failed invoices.
  25. I deal with a lot of WordPress sites and in my experience load times like that are almost always a plugin, large images, external content, or a database issue. I would open a ticket as Bruce suggested and we will gladly check it.
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