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Everything posted by TCH-Bala

  1. Happy Birthday Jason
  2. Happy Birthday Forbes
  3. Happy Birthday Rob Gui
  4. Happy Birthday Mike
  5. Happy Birthday Dave
  6. Happy Birthday Tony
  7. I am going to assume the following 1) you know the database name and it is present on the account 2) you have your cpanel username and password Log into you cpanel and then navigate to MySQL Databases -> Add New User. Set up a new database user. Go to Add User To Database and assign the user to the database with full privileges. Now on the wp-config.php # name of database for wordpress -> mention the database you have # mysql database username -> the user you just created # mysql database password -> the password you assigned to the new user # mysql hostname -> localhost There is a tutorial HERE which should help you. Please give it a whirl and if you are still facing issues, contact our technical support team (link on my signature and on the top menu) with all the info. We will gladly check it out.
  8. Happy Birthday ShawTheatre
  9. Happy Birthday Sergio
  10. It is not possible to edit the document root via an override on .htaccess or php.ini, it will take the default from httpd.conf. The problem is due to the usage of server url instead of the domain name which cannot be changed as it is a server wide setting.
  11. Please contact our support department (link on the top menu and on my signature) with the email address in question and the IP of the system which is having the issue as given at http://whatismyip.com so that we can have a look on the mail logs.
  12. Glad to know the issue is resolved. If you need anything else, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.
  13. Hardware failure, replaced faulty parts and the server is now back online and servicing requests. If you are still facing issues, please contact our support department. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
  14. You can reset cpanel password from within the cpanel itself rather than going the email verification method since you do have a working login. Also note that if you are resetting the password by supplying the username on the cpanel login window, then the password reset link will be sent to the contact address set on cpanel. Once you have access, make sure that you have set it to a valid working email.
  15. Happy Birthday Beth
  16. Happy Birthday Adam
  17. Happy Birthday Nathan
  18. Happy Birthday Jason
  19. Happy Birthday Daniel
  20. Happy Birthday Arta
  21. Happy Birthday Joel
  22. Happy Birthday msb
  23. Happy Birthday Paul
  24. Happy Birthday Joly
  25. Happy Birthday Alan
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