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Runtime Error 20302

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All 3 of my sites are hosted at TCH and have been publishing fine for months with CSB till my hard drive crashed and I had to have Windows XP re-installed. Now one of my sites gets a run-time error "20302" when I am trying to update the site. Does anyone know what causes this or how I can fix it? I did have to re-enter the info into the publishing boxes so maybe I have something wrong but the other two sites publish fine and I did them all in the same way.

I checked with the CSB forum and was told that a 20302 error is an indication of a problem on my web provider side - not anything to do with CuteSITE Builder.

Thanks, Brent

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Since you say that this only happens to one of your sites it should not be CSB having problem, but try to make a completely new page (from the very beginning) and try to publish that on your site with problem (in a sub folder if you like). If that test page have problem too, then please submit a ticket to the tech guys. However if that test page do publish as it should then there is something weird with CSB or your computer.

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Since you say that this only happens to one of your sites it should not be CSB having problem, but try to make a completely new page (from the very beginning) and try to publish that on your site with problem (in a sub folder if you like). If that test page have problem too, then please submit a ticket to the tech guys. However if that test page do publish as it should then there is something weird with CSB or your computer.


OK, I'll try to do that. Thanks for the help! , Brent

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Jim, sometimes you and I think alike.

Earlier I posted this on the CSB board:


Error 20302 may indicate anything from excessive bandwidth to server not available or anything in between. On the old Tripod and Fortune city sites these errors occured OFTEN and took days for the host to resolve. TCH is not like that!


One thing you may want to do is to open your .tlx file, then do a File > Save As to give it a new name. This will compresses your .tlx file and makes it run smoother. Then close CSB, then reopen your new .tlx file, and try publishing it.


As I mentioned before...you can also receive this error if you decide to CANCEL your publishing in process.


If you were publishing and it was interrupted, and now you can not publish, connect to your web site via FTP, and delete these files (only these files): TlxTransfer.txt, index.htm, and index.html and republish. This will force CSB to republish your entire file. (If the file is supposed to go to a subdirectory, then check that option is checked before you begin to publish!)



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Jim, sometimes you and I think alike. 

Earlier I posted this on the CSB board:


Error 20302 may indicate anything from excessive bandwidth to server not available or anything in between. On the old Tripod and Fortune city sites these errors occured OFTEN and took days for the host to resolve. TCH is not like that!


One thing you may want to do is to open your .tlx file, then do a File > Save As to give it a new name. This will compresses your .tlx file and makes it run smoother. Then close CSB, then reopen your new .tlx file, and try publishing it.


As I mentioned before...you can also receive this error if you decide to CANCEL your publishing in process.


If you were publishing and it was interrupted, and now you can not publish, connect to your web site via FTP, and delete these files (only these files): TlxTransfer.txt, index.htm, and index.html and republish. This will force CSB to republish your entire file. (If the file is supposed to go to a subdirectory, then check that option is checked before you begin to publish!)




HEY! Thanks to all of you kind folks! All 3site are now working perfectly, I had some settings wrong in my publishing boxes, since my computer crashed , I had lost some vital info and really had things messed up! But with all of your help I learned a few things including how th reduce the size of my files. You are GREAT! Thanks, Brent Happy New Year!!! :clapping:

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  • 7 months later...

Welcome to the forums. I assume that you have the following in your FTP program;


Here's the info you'll need to use an FTP program:


Host name: ftp.tripod.com

User ID: Your Tripod member name

Password: Your Tripod password

Directory: Leave this field empty to FTP to your root directory (you can choose a subdirectory later if you wish)


Should you have this information correct then I would ask tripod and see what they might have to say.

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  • 17 years later...

I am using Win XP on an OLD “EPOX” AMD motherboard running Cutesite Builder 3

 I keep this ancient box around just for running CSB 3 crazy I know; I just don’t want to build the sites again too lazy.

 Thanks to GlobalScape for reauthorizing the license if the box goes down, although its getting harder to do.

 I have 5 websites built with CSB 3

 I receive the following error messages.

 2 Connecting to FTP server.  2 Connected. ERROR: 10054:Winsock error in recv()ERROR: 142:Disconnected: [10053] Software caused connection abort

 Error connecting to FTP Server at sitename.com.hosting.com

 Error path cannot be found

Runtime error 20302


I have dropped the firewall, deactivated the antivirus and other things that I can’t even remember

 Ultimately here is what works!!!!!

 I exit CSB then reopen CSB then publish the site.

 Other times I have to restarted WIN XP then restarted CSB then publish the site.

 There is absolutely NO rhyme or reason to this; is there.

 Wouldn't it be great if the authors of CSB would update the program so it will run on Win 10

I hope it helps

I am thinking about using an FTP program after publishing to a local folder Just a Thought

Edited by justafixer
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