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    Scottsdale, AZ

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  1. The best Lyric program I have found is Evil Lyrics: http://www.evillabs.sk/evillyrics/index.php It works very well with Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes, MusicMatch, RealPlayer . . .
  2. haha true . . . but work is kinda never ending for me right now and Bass it is
  3. Wow, that is definitely the ultimate setup . . .
  4. it's a ds decoder error . . I've only seen it about 5000 times now and I can't remember LOL. I was thinking about work actually, unfortuntely
  5. another Trillian Pro user here
  6. Here is my home comp area, complete with the error message that is continually haunting me I will have to take my cam to work tomorrow . . . much better setup
  7. If you are familiar with javascript you can just use the below script and modify as necessary: <head> <script type="text/javascript"> //Specify image paths and optional link (set link to "" for no link): var dynimages=new Array() dynimages[0]=["photo1.jpg", "http://www."]'>http://www."]'>http://www."] dynimages[1]=["photo2.jpg", "http://www."] dynimages[2]=["photo3.jpg", "http://www."] //Preload images ("yes" or "no"): var preloadimg="no" //Set optional link target to be added to all images with a link: var optlinktarget="" //Set image border width var imgborderwidth=0 //Optionally, change 1.0 and 0.7 below to affect Wipe gradient size and duration in seconds in IE5.5+: var filterstring="progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.GradientWipe(GradientSize=1.0 Duration=0.7)" ///////No need to edit beyond here///// if (preloadimg=="yes"){ for (x=0; x<dynimages.length; x++){ var myimage=new Image() myimage.src=dynimages[x][0] } } function returnimgcode(theimg){ var imghtml="" if (theimg[1]!="") imghtml='<a href="'+theimg[1]+'" target="'+optlinktarget+'">' imghtml+='<img src="'+theimg[0]+'" border="'+imgborderwidth+'">' if (theimg[1]!="") imghtml+='</a>' return imghtml } function modifyimage(loadarea, imgindex){ if (document.getElementById){ var imgobj=document.getElementById(loadarea) if (imgobj.filters && window.createPopup){ imgobj.style.filter=filterstring imgobj.filters[0].Apply() } imgobj.innerHTML=returnimgcode(dynimages[imgindex]) if (imgobj.filters && window.createPopup) imgobj.filters[0].Play() return false } } </script> </head> <body> <a href="#" onMouseover="modifyimage('dynloadarea', 0)">image 1 (onmouseover)</a><br> <a href="#" onMouseover="modifyimage('dynloadarea', 1)">image 2 (onmouseover)</a><br> <a href="#" onClick="return modifyimage('dynloadarea2', 2)">image 3 (onclick)</a><p> <div id="dynloadarea" style="width:80px;height:225px"></div> <div id="dynloadarea2" style="width:80px;height:200px"></div> </body> The section within the body is where you specify how to set up the thumbnails to display the larger images.
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