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  1. Previously used FormMail, which is long "banned" from TCH due security holes. At that time, TCH suggested to use DodosMail form script. It seems that DodosMail is no longer supported by developer as site is closed. Searching for TCH advice and generic "FormMail" script (sure there are many...). Any that allow dropdown list/menu? Thx!
  2. Bruce I might be in the same route as your previous experience. As mentioned, I setup for deletion, and it seems to be working. Now, I'm doing further experimenting as you mentioned. Removed the deletion process and will forward to some sort of Spam box. I will verify and then might return to immediate deletion. Regards
  3. Thank you Bruce.... I will try "discard" at server. This seems to be the missing link I was looking for. Regards, Xant
  4. Nortk I'm a bit confused since the subject is not changed, but the body is marked as spam. And it was still been delivered. Then, I just found the following: "To simply have the server DELETE and NOT deliver emails that are tagged as spam by SpamAssassin, click here now." I clicked in the option, which seems to add an extra scripting that might delete the email at once. TCH-Bruce Spam (tons) is been delivered to my personal email that I created under my domain. Thank you all, Xant
  5. Dear Family The number of Spam I've been receiving through my TCH account went to the roof... Although reluctant at first, I turned SpamAssasin spam filtering ON. Still, doesn't seems to have much effect on reducing the number of Spam I continue to receive. Is there any required configuration that I'm not aware of? Is there any need to point to some sort of Spam database? Thank you all and always, Xant
  6. Xant

    Form Mail

    Dear TCH Family (staff, moderators, administrators, etc). Thank you all for the welcome. I am surprise that the TCH Family is spread in the world Thanks to Don, my form script is now fixed and working (using Dodo's). Only a funny issue (although not biggy). When receiving the email from the form page the time stamp is 12/31/1969 7:00pm (consistently). Not sure if a server or my IP issue, since the same email goes with current timestamp in Yahoo mail. It is good to be around. Thank you ALL Xant
  7. Unfortunately TCH no longer allow Formmail in CGI, and that is what I was used to. I understand the security issues and tried alternatives as posted in Forum: Ultimate Mail and Dodo's Mail. After many hours strugling, I was not able to make any of those to work in the simple test case. I tried lots of paths with no luck: uploaded in Binary mode, changed permissions, etc. I am now frustrated after many hours without success and I will indeed appreciate any help.
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